

The research for this book was conducted in spring 2023 for a final project in LBSCI 728: Public History, taught by Dr. Johnathan Thayer at the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies at Queens College, CUNY. I want to thank Dr. Thayer for his guidance as well as his support for my pursuit of an idiosyncratic, personal project. I also want to thank my colleagues in the class for their feedback and support.

Many thanks to the Center for Brooklyn History for making a copy of A Landscape Management Plan for the Natural Areas of Prospect Park available, and especially to Alice Griffin for providing scans of two maps.

And many thanks and much love to my husband, Brian, for listening to all that I had to say about Prospect Park and its history, as well as for reading the text; to our children for accompanying me on trips to the park, when I made the photographs, videos, and audio recordings that are the basis of the video essay included at the beginning of this book; and to my entire family for watching and commenting on early versions of the video essay.