
Appendix #: [Title]

How to use this page

An appendix (plural: appendices) contains detailed information that would be distracting if it were to appear in the main body of the book. Appendices may include

  • Maps
  • Author biographies
  • List of formulas
  • Timelines

For an example, see Appendix 1: List of Geologically Important Elements and the Periodic Table in Physical Geology: 2nd Edition.

  1. Duplicate this chapter as many times as your book needs. Your book may need one appendix, several appendices, or none. If your book includes only one appendix, it does not need to be numbered.
  2. Add the content of your appendix below.
  3. Delete this text box and the attribution text box at the bottom of the page.

[Appendix content]


This page is adapted from the appendix in UBC Library Pressbooks Template by Erin Fields and Amanda Grey, which is dedicated to the public domain. The instructions provided on the page have been revised.


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To the extent possible under law, Rachael Nevins has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Appendix #: [Title], except where otherwise noted.