Chapter 1.1: [Title]
How to use this page
This page provides a basic framework for a book chapter. It includes
- A text box for learning objectives
- A space for a chapter introduction
- An outline for the main body with subheadings (tagged Heading 2)
- An image with sample attribution information
- A sample of a glossed term
- A text box for reflection questions
- A sample concluding self-assessment
- Space for attribution information and a reference list
Use this page not as a strict guide, but rather as a springboard for your own ideas.
- Write a sample chapter, being sure that it includes some kind of introductory overview so that students can anticipate what they’ll be learning, a well organized main text, and some kind of conclusion or summary so that students can reflect on what they’ve learned.
- Use your sample chapter as the basis for creating a chapter template for your project.
- Delete this text box and any other of the text or features below that you haven’t overwritten with your own content.
Learning Objectives
Type your learning objectives here.
- First
- Second
- More
[Introductory text]
Section 1.1.1

[Body text. Note that you can gloss text as needed, and glossed terms will appear in a glossary if you include one in your back matter. See “Create and Display Glossary Terms” in Pressbooks User Guide for more information.]
Section 1.1.2
[Body text]
Section 1.1.3
[Body text]
Chapter Review
Questions for Reflection
Type your questions for reflection here.
- First?
- Second?
- More?
[Include attribution information here, if needed.]
[As appropriate, be sure to cite the sources of quotations, ideas, and research, and provide a reference list. Not sure when a citation is called for rather than an attribution? See “Citation vs. Attribution” in the BCcampus Open Education Self-Publishing Guide for more information.]
to provide an explanation of a word or term