
Chapter 1.1: [Title]

How to use this page

This page provides a basic framework for a book chapter. It includes

  • A text box for learning objectives
  • A space for a chapter introduction
  • An outline for the main body with subheadings (tagged Heading 2)
  • An image with sample attribution information
  • A sample of a glossed term
  • A text box for reflection questions
  • A sample concluding self-assessment
  • Space for attribution information and a reference list

Use this page not as a strict guide, but rather as a springboard for your own ideas.

  1. Write a sample chapter, being sure that it includes some kind of introductory overview so that students can anticipate what they’ll be learning, a well organized main text, and some kind of conclusion or summary so that students can reflect on what they’ve learned.
  2. Use your sample chapter as the basis for creating a chapter template for your project.
  3. Delete this text box and any other of the text or features below that you haven’t overwritten with your own content.

Learning Objectives

Type your learning objectives here.

  • First
  • Second
  • More

[Introductory text]

Section 1.1.1

A woman writes with a pen on paper at a desk with an open laptop and other office accessories.
“Woman in home office” by @CreateHERStock via nappy is dedicated to the public domain.

[Body text. Note that you can gloss text as needed, and glossed terms will appear in a glossary if you include one in your back matter. See “Create and Display Glossary Terms” in Pressbooks User Guide for more information.]

Section 1.1.2

[Body text]

Section 1.1.3

[Body text]

Chapter Review

Questions for Reflection

Type your questions for reflection here.

  • First?
  • Second?
  • More?


[Include attribution information here, if needed.]


[As appropriate, be sure to cite the sources of quotations, ideas, and research, and provide a reference list. Not sure when a citation is called for rather than an attribution? See “Citation vs. Attribution” in the BCcampus Open Education Self-Publishing Guide for more information.]



Icon for the CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) license

To the extent possible under law, Rachael Nevins has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Chapter 1.1: [Title], except where otherwise noted.