Week 1: Evolution: Geological Time, Primate and Human Evolution, and Molecular Evolution
- Identify major geological and evolutionary events.
- Create a scaled timeline of major evolutionary events and indicate the approximate date of each.
- Calculate the proportion of Earth’s history for which various groups of organisms have existed.
- List derived characteristics of primates and humans.
- Distinguish between primitive and advanced characteristics in primate facial and skull bones.
- Analyze evolutionary relationships using molecular (DNA) evidence.
This lab has three parts, each of which invites you to consider evolution from a different perspective: first, in terms of the history of Earth; next, in terms of human evolution; and finally, in terms of DNA evidence. Each part includes introductory material to read or view followed by an activity.
I. Geological and Evolutionary Timeline
Earth is approximately 4,600 million years old (equivalent to 4.6 billion years old). The major events of the evolution of life on Earth are summarized in Table 1, and together with the activity that follows are adopted (with modification) from Barrow (2016). Your instructor might ask you to read Barrow’s article “Picturing Evolution through Geologic Time” before coming to the lab.
Major Event | Time (million years ago, mya) |
Earth forms | 4600 |
Prokaryotes | 3400 |
O2 appearance | 2400 |
Eukaryotes | 1200 |
Animals with shells | 600 |
Fish | 520 |
Amphibians | 435 |
Vascular plants | 425 |
Reptiles | 350 |
Mammal-like organisms | 275 |
Dinosaurs | 245 |
Birds | 165 |
Flowering plants | 125 |
Dinosaur extinction | 65 |
Modern mammals | 65 |
Modern humans | 0.2 |
Present | 0 |
Activity 1: Representation of Evolutionary Timeline
1. Using string (thread) and a tape measure or long ruler (see Figure 1), measure a piece of string 4.6 meters long. Lay it flat on the bench. This represents a timeline of Earth’s 4.6 billion year history.

2. Calculate what each unit of the ruler represents in the number of years. For example:
If 4.6 m = 4.6 billion years, then 1 m = 1 billion years.
1 m = 1 billion years
1 cm = _____ years
1 mm = _____ years
3. Using masking tape, place a thin piece of tape on the string at the appropriate distance to indicate each evolutionary event from Table 1 on the string. On the tape indicate the date and the event. Do this until you have marked all the events on the string. Please note that in order to mark the events to scale as required, you will need to use the conversion factors you calculated in the previous step. For example, if you are marking the origin of the prokaryotes to scale, you need to know how far 3400 million years would be from 4600 million years (the beginning of your timeline). You can solve it using algebra.
[latex]\frac {3400 \text { million}}{4600 \text { million}} = \frac {x}{4.6 \text {m}}[/latex]
You can solve for x algebraically as follows:
[latex]x = \frac {3400 \text { million * } 4.6 \text { m}}{4600 \text { million}}[/latex]
The units “million” cancel, and your final answer is in meters (m).
This tells you how many meters to measure from 0 (the end of your timeline, or the present day). That is the point where you will place the event “prokaryotes.” Calculate the other events in Table 1 in a similar manner.
4. Answer the following questions.
a. What patterns if any did you notice in the timeline? In other words, what did you notice or what surprised or interested you about the spacing of the events?
b. What proportion (in %) of Earth’s life history does each event represent? Complete your work in a table like Table 2 below. Show your calculations.
Major event | Time (million years ago, mya) | Calculation (work) |
Proportion (%) |
Earth forms | 4600 | ||
Prokaryotes | 3400 | ||
O2 appearance | 2400 | ||
Eukaryotes | 1200 | ||
Animals with shells | 600 | ||
Fish | 520 | ||
Amphibians | 435 | ||
Vascular plants | 425 | ||
Reptiles | 350 | ||
Mammal-like organisms | 275 | ||
Dinosaurs | 245 | ||
Birds | 165 | ||
Flowering plants | 125 | ||
Dinosaur extinction | 65 | ||
Modern mammals | 65 | ||
Modern humans | 0.2 | ||
Present | 0 |
II. Primate and Human Derived Characteristics
Primates are the order of mammals that includes all monkeys and apes. The apes include gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees, and humans. Characteristics of both primates and humans can be found in Table 3.
Primate derived characteristics | Human derived characteristics |
A. Hands and feet for grasping
B. Large brain, short jaws C. Forward-looking eyes D. Complex social behavior and parental care E. Opposable thumbs (monkeys and apes) |
A. Upright posture
B. Bipedal locomotion (on two legs) C. Large brain D. Language E. Symbolic thought |
An indication of the larger brain size is evidence found from cranial bones in skull fossils of different taxa. Here are some representatives.

Activity 2: Skull Fossil Exercise
Your instructor might direct you to view this short video from the American Museum of Natural History before lab.
In the lab
It is estimated that the chimpanzees diverged from the lineage that gave rise to the human lineage about 6 mya (including Australopithicenes such as Lucy and later, other Homo species such as Homo neanderthalensis, the Neanderthals). Modern humans (Homo sapiens) evolved approximately 200,000 years ago (0.2 mya). Examine the replica skulls on the demonstration table closely, which are similar to the ones in Figure 2. View the cranial bones as well as the facial bones. Consider the following attributes:
- the length of the jaw
- the size of the cranium
- the morphology of the bridge of the nasal bone
- the morphology of the eyebrow ridge
- teeth number and specialization
What patterns do you notice for i–v from the most primitive to the advanced organism? Refer to Figure 2, which is organized from the most primitive (left) to advanced (right), to help your analysis. Record your observations in a table like Table 4 below.
Attribute | Pattern observed from most primitive to most advanced |
Jaw length | |
Cranium size | |
Bridge of nose | |
Eyebrow ridge | |
Teeth number and specialization |
Answer the following questions.
a. What can you conclude from your observation of the size of the cranium?
b. What can you conclude about the differences observed in the number and morphology of the teeth?
III. Molecular Evolution
Molecular data can be used to delineate relationships among organisms. The more DNA identity (similarity), the more closely two species are; that is, the more recent their common ancestry and point of divergence. The more DNA difference (dissimilarity), the more distantly related two organisms are considered to be. It is therefore of value to calculate how similar or dissimilar conserved sequences of DNA are.
For example, look at the following two sequences (N2 and N1), representing short DNA sequences belonging to two different species (Figure 3). They have been aligned using bioinformatics software. Consider the first 100 nucleotides. How many of the nucleotides are identical between species N2 and N1?
Figure 3: DNA alignment of two simulated DNA from two hypothetical species, N1 and N2. Alignment and figure by F. Tamari
Using the same software, the differences can be highlighted. Here’s a snapshot of this simple analysis (Figure 4).
Figure 4: DNA alignment of two simulated DNA from two hypothetical species, N1 and N2. Alignment and figure by F. Tamari
For the first 100 nucleotides:
% difference = {100% [asciimath]xx[/asciimath] (# changed nucleotides)} / total number of nucleotides considered
= [asciimath]100% xx frac{3}{100}[/asciimath]
= 3%
% identity = {(100%) * (# unchanged nucleotides)} / total number of nucleotides considered
= 100% * 97 / 100
= 97%
Consider the following alignment for two other species, N3 and N4 (Figure 5).
Figure 5: DNA alignment of two simulated DNA from two hypothetical species, N3 and N4. Notice that the total number of nucleotides is not 100 as before! Alignment and figure by F. Tamari
Calculate both % difference and % identity. Show all your work.
% difference =
% identity =
Activity 3: Molecular Evolution Exercise
This activity was written by Dr. Craig Hinkley, with data gathered from the DNA Learning Center at Cold Spring Harbor.
1. Work in groups of four students.
2. Each group has four DNA sequence comparisons to examine. These DNA comparisons are between a modern human and either another modern human, a Neanderthal, a chimpanzee, or a dog.
3. In a table similar to Table 5 below, record the ID (location name/number) of the specimen of modern human DNA your group is comparing and the ID (location name/number) of the four specimens to which it is being compared.
4. Each student in a group should work with one DNA sequence comparison.
5. For each comparison, the differences between the two sequences are highlighted. Dashes (–) indicate a mutation that is due to either an insertion or deletion in one of the sequences.
6. Count the number of differences between your two sequences.
a. Count each nucleotide difference as one difference (including single insertions or deletions).
b. Count each insertion or deletion containing more than one difference (two or more dashes in a row) as one difference.
7. State hypotheses about which DNA sequences will show the most or least similarity.
8. In a table similar to Table 6 below, record the total number of DNA nucleotide differences and the total number of DNA nucleotides that were compared.
a. Calculate the percentage of DNA nucleotide differences between the sequences and record the percentage difference in your copy of Table 6.
b. In your copy of Table 6, record the data for the other three DNA comparisons from your group.
Species of specimen | ID (location name and number) of your specimen |
Modern human DNA of Group _____ | |
Chimpanzee DNA | |
Dog DNA | |
Modern DNA | |
Neanderthal DNA |
DNA compared to modern human DNA | Number of nucleotide differences | Number of nucleotides compared | Percentage of DNA nucleotide differences |
Chimpanzee | |||
Dog | |||
Modern human | |||
Neanderthal |
Data analysis
1. Examine the data you recorded in your copy of Table 6. In other words, try to look for trends or patterns in your data. Record what you find.
2. Arrange the sequences from the smallest number of nucleotide differences to the largest number of differences.
3. Arrange the sequences from the smallest percentage of nucleotide differences to the largest percentage of differences.
4. Is there any difference between the order of the sequences you wrote down in #2 and #3 above? If so, why do you think there is a difference?
5. Which is better to use for the comparisons, the total number of nucleotide differences or the percentage of nucleotide differences? In 2–3 sentences, explain why you think so.
In 3–4 sentences, write a conclusion that states whether the data supports or does not support the hypotheses you formed in #7 of the procedure above. Include at least one piece of data that supports this conclusion.
Work Cited
Barrow, L. H. (2016). Picturing evolution through geologic time. The American Biology Teacher, 78(2), 137–140. https://doi.org/10.1525/abt.2016.78.2.137