
Editorial Statement

Originally incubated in a context of Jewish solidarity organizing for Palestinian liberation, GrayLit seeks to critically engage connections between artistic practices, cultural identities, political realities, and intersectional solidarity, towards countering the harmful gaps and untruths of colonialist educational and cultural systems.

We are an experimental project run horizontally by a collective of editors who, at this time, are white Jewish people working on colonized land of the so-called USA to cultivate a platform oriented toward decolonization, accountability, and repair.

This means acknowledging that the material effects of representation must be addressed through material means: our editorial and design labor is volunteered, we offer more substantial honoraria to contributors of color, we will never feature a majority of white, Ashkenazi, or male voices, and we are developing a creative process that invites curatorial collaborators to participate in shaping future volumes.

We welcome feedback, questions and conversation, and commit to continually interrogating the power of this and all cultural platforms.


GrayLit Copyright © by The GrayLit Editorial Team; Ariella Azoulay; Camille Hoffman; Amir Guberstein; Claire Schwartz; Cory Tamler; Danna Masad; Dareen Tatour; Dorit Naaman; Efrat Yerday; Golden; Hagit Keysar; Ibtisam Azem; Isaac Brosilow; Jordan Nassar; Leor Grady; Marwa Helal; Michael Adno; Mirna Bamieh; Natasha Greenblatt; Nora Lester Murad; Paul Nassar; Sharif Waked; Rimah Jabr; Sarah Burney; Shachaf Polakow; Tala Abu Rahmeh; Tara Rodríguez Besosa; Zach Fischman; and Zein El-Amine. All Rights Reserved.