Ordered sets and relations

The reason why ordered pairs, and ordered sets in general, are useful, is because they allow us to encode more structured information than just normal, unordered sets. For example, suppose we want to represent the fact that for three people, Jamal, Kerry, and Zoltan, some are friends with one another, and some aren’t. For each person, we can create the set of friends of that particular person with normal sets.

Suppose the following. Jamal is friends with Kerry, Zoltan is friends with Jamal, but Kerry is not friends with Zoltan. For each person, we may specify the set of friends they have, so that SJ={Kerry,Zoltan}S_J=\{\text{Kerry}, \text{Zoltan}\}, SK={Jamal}S_K=\{\text{Jamal}\} and SZ={Jamal}S_Z=\{\text{Jamal}\}. These would be the properties ‘is the friend of Jamal’, ‘is the friend of Kerry’ and ‘is the friend of Zoltan’, respectively.

However, with ordered sets, we can do all of this in one set, representing the relation ‘is friends with’. First, we can immediately specify: F={Jamal,Kerry,Kerry,Jamal,{Zoltan,Jamal},Jamal,Zoltan}F=\{\langle\text{Jamal}, \text{Kerry}\rangle, \langle\text{Kerry}, \text{Jamal}\rangle, \{\text{Zoltan}, \text{Jamal}\}, \langle\text{Jamal}, \text{Zoltan}\rangle\} Note that we included, for both Jamal and Kerry, and Jamal and Zoltan, the two names in both configurations. This is useful, since we may desire to add lopsided relations that are not mutual. For example, suppose we want to represent that Jamal is friends with Kerry, and Kerry is friends with Jamal, Zoltan is friends with Jamal and Jamal is friends with Zoltan, and also that Kerry thinks Zoltan is her friend, but Zoltan does not view Kerry as a friend. Then, we can encode this as: F={Jamal,Kerry,Kerry,Jamal,{Zoltan,Jamal},Jamal,Zoltan,Kerry,Zoltan}F'=\{\langle\text{Jamal}, \text{Kerry}\rangle, \langle\text{Kerry}, \text{Jamal}\rangle, \{\text{Zoltan}, \text{Jamal}\}, \langle\text{Jamal}, \text{Zoltan}\rangle, \langle\text{Kerry}, \text{Zoltan}\rangle\} Here, FF' represents the ‘is friends with’ relation again (in a different situation). But using this blueprint, any relation can be represented, starting from such pairs to more elaborate ones, like ‘xx is in between yy and zz’, which would be a set of triples, and so on.

Related to sets of ordered pairs are three important notions that are usually specified. First, a relation may be reflexive. This means that for any xx (that occurs in the ‘field’ of a relation RR, see below), x,xR\langle x, x\rangle \in R. For example, if LL encodes the ‘loves’ relation, and everyone loves themselves, then for every person xx, x,xL\langle x, x\rangle \in L. This way, LL would be reflexive. On the other hand, if there is a person yy such that y,yL\langle y, y\rangle \notin L, then LL would not be reflexive, because there would be a person who does not love themself.

A graphical representation of an instance of reflexivity

Second, a relation may be symmetric, if whenever x,yR\langle x, y\rangle \in R, y,xR\langle y, x\rangle \in R as well. This was already illustrated above with our three friends, Jamal, Kerry, and Zoltan. Specifically, FF was a relation that was symmetric, since whenever xx was a friend of yy, yy was a friend of xx. On the other hand, FF' was not symmetric, since there was a person, Kerry, who was friends with Zoltan, but Zoltan was not friends with Kerry.

A graphical representation of an instance of symmetricity

Finally, a relation may be transitive. Transitive relations are everywhere in logic, though they are not always apparent. A transitive relation is more elaborate than the above two, since it is specified between three things. Namely, a transitive relation is such that if x,yR\langle x, y\rangle \in R, and y,zR\langle y, z\rangle \in R, then x,zR\langle x, z\rangle \in R. One relation that is usually transitive is airplane travel with connections. Suppose you can travel by plane from New York to Los Angeles, and from Los Angeles to Tokyo. Then, that also means that you can travel from New York to Tokyo (with a connecting flight in Los Angeles). In other words if AA represents the set of all pairs of cities reachable by air travel, if NYC,LAA\langle\text{NYC}, \text{LA}\rangle \in A, and LA,TokyoA\langle\text{LA}, \text{Tokyo}\rangle \in A, then NYC,TokyoA\langle\text{NYC}, \text{Tokyo}\rangle \in A. Since this holds for every three cities, the relation AA is transitive. Incidentally, this relation is also symmetric, since flights go back and forth (or perhaps in larger circles).

A graphical representation of an instance of transitivity

If you have taken an introductory logic course before, you may remember the connective ‘\rightarrow’, standing for ‘if …, then …’. You may also remember that in your proof system, you could show that if you had as premises XYX \rightarrow Y and YZY \rightarrow Z, then you could derive XZX \rightarrow Z. Some systems even have a dedicated rule for this, called the ‘hypothetical syllogism’ or ‘chain rule’. Now all this rule says is that \rightarrow is transitive! In other words, if you take the set II of all pairs XX, YY of propositions where XYX \rightarrow Y, and X,Y,Y,ZI\langle X, Y\rangle, \langle Y, Z\rangle \in I, then X,ZI\langle X, Z\rangle \in I (at least in classical logic).

Note that relations can have many ‘places’, meaning they may be said to hold between several different things. A 22-place relation, as noted above, is a set of pairs, since it holds (or does not hold) between two things. But you may take other relations like ‘xx is in between, yy and zz’, which would be a 33-place relation, and its representation would be a set of triples x,y,z\langle x, y, z\rangle, because it holds (or does not hold) between 3 things. So in general, an nn-place relation will be identified with a set of nn-tuples, since it holds (or does not hold) between nn different things. Notice that in each case, an nn-place relation RR is a subset of some set SS taken nn times with itself, i.e., RSnR \subseteq S^n.

Definition 3.3. Let SS be any set. An nn-place relation RR defined on SS is a subset of the Cartesian product SnS^n, that is, the product of SS taken nn times with itself. In such cases, we call SS the field of RR.

If RR is a two-place relation with field SS, then:

  1. if for all xSx \in S, x,xR\langle x, x\rangle \in R, then RR is reflexive;

  2. if for all x,ySx, y \in S, if x,yR\langle x, y\rangle \in R, then y,xR\langle y, x\rangle \in R, RR is symmetric;

  3. if for all x,y,zSx, y, z \in S, if x,y,y,zR\langle x, y\rangle, \langle y, z\rangle \in R, then x,zR\langle x, z\rangle \in R, RR is transitive.

If the relation RR is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive, we say it is an equivalence relation.

Exercise 3.6. Determine for each claim whether it is true or false. Don’t forget to explain your reasoning, using the above definitions! Note: these are more philosophical questions regarding the exact meaning of some relations expressed in English. There may not be a single correct answer for each.

  1. the relation ‘xx is related to yy by blood’ is transitive;

  2. the relation ‘xx is an ancestor of yy’ is transitive;

  3. the relation ‘xx is right of yy’ is transitive on a 1-dimensional plane;

  4. the relation ‘xx is right of yy’ is transitive on a 2-dimensional plane;

  5. the relation ‘xx is a brother of yy’ is symmetric;

  6. the relation ‘xx is a sibling of yy’ is symmetric;

  7. the identity relation ‘==’ is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.


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