Putting it all together
Let’s put everything we learned above into something more concise. Closure is defined just as before. Thus:
Definition 8.4 (Closure). We call a branch of a tree closed provided there are some formulas of form , occurring on it. We call a tree closed if all its branches are closed.
Then, we can define what syntactic entailment means in first-order logic.
Definition 8.5 (Syntactic entailment). Let be any set of formulas and let be any formula of . Then, the set of premises syntactically entails , or is a syntactic consequence of (in first-order logic), iff there is a closed tree with at its origin, where each occurrence of a formula on the tree except is derived using one of the following rules:
the rules , , , ;
the rules , , ;
the rules , , , ;
the premise rule Pr (using ).
In such cases, we write , and call the closed tree a proof of from the premise set (or simply, premises) . If no occurrence of a formula on the tree was introduced using the rule Pr, we say is a theorem of first-order logic.
Soundness and completeness
Similar to zeroth-order logic, we still have that relative to the first-order semantics introduced above, the tableaux system introduced is sound and complete.
Proposition 8.8 (Soundness). For any set of formulas and any formula of , if , then .
Remark 8.2. In other words, if a formula is syntactically entailed by the set of formulas , then we can be sure that is also semantically entailed by .
Proposition 8.9 (Completeness). For any set of formulas and any formula of , if , then .
Remark 8.3. In other words, if a formula is semantically entailed by the set of formulas , then we can be sure that is also syntactically entailed by .
Now if we put these two together, we get a biconditional of the form: Thus, syntactic and semantic entailment go hand in hand in first-order logic. If one obtains, the other obtains too!
It is easy to see how this fact entails the following:
Proposition 8.10. iff there is no tree with at its origin constructed with the rules enumerated above whose branches are all closed.
Proof. By soundness and completeness, we have that iff , so we also have that iff . Moreover, means that is not a syntactic consequence of . The formula would be a syntactic consequence of if there were a closed tree with at its origin with the rules enumerated above whose branches are all closed. So since this is not the case, there can be no such tree. ◻