Welcome to this textbook, “Principals of Macroeconomics 3e: A Revised, Online Textbook for Bronx Community College Students.” This Open Educational Resource (OER) textbook is a revised version of of “Principals of Macroeconomics 3e” by David Schapiro, Daniel MacDonalds and Steven A. Greenlaw used under CC BY. It was revised by Professor Karen Davis for use with her Introduction to Macroeconomics, ECO 12, taught at Bronx Community College, CUNY. It is released under a CC BY NC license.
The purpose of this revision was to relieve students enrolled in Macroeconomics, ECO 12 from the need to purchase a costly textbook. It was also revised to better align with course goals and student learning needs.
Preferred attribution for this text is: This work, “Principals of Macroeconomics 3e: A Revised, Online Textbook”, Is a derivative of “Principals of Macroeconomics 3e” by David Schapiro, Daniel MacDonalds and Steven A. Greenlaw used under CC BY. ” Principals of Macroeconomics 3e: A Revised, Online Textbook for Bronx Community College Students” is licensed under CC BY NC by Karen David.
Feedback is welcome and can be addressed to Professor Karen David at