
H5P activities list

This book includes 25 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
1Loading FilmImage Slider
18Loading FilmImage Slider
19AperturesImage Slider
20ViewfindersImage Slider
21Shooting ModesImage Slider
22Equivalent ExposuresImage Juxtaposition
24correct exposed negative and resulting printImage Juxtaposition
25under exposed negative and resulting printImage Juxtaposition
26over exposed negative and resulting printImage Juxtaposition
28aperture controlling DoFImage Sequencing
29Aperture controlling DoFImage Juxtaposition
30Enlarger to PhotographIframe Embedder
31Camera to NegativeIframe Embedder
32Loading a ReelIframe Embedder
33Developing Black and White FilmIframe Embedder
34How does film actually work?Iframe Embedder
35Multigrade FiltersIframe Embedder
36What to take pictures ofCollage
37Feedback FormIframe Embedder
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