Chapter 13: Psychopharmacology

13.6: Discussion Questions and Resources

Discussion Questions

  1. What are some of the issues surrounding prescribing medications for children and adolescents? How might this be improved?
  2. What are some of the factors that can affect relapse to an addictive drug?
  3. How might prescribing medications for depression be improved in the future to increase the likelihood that a drug would work and minimize side effects?

Outside Resources

Video: Neurotransmission

Web: Description of how some drugs work and the brain areas involved – 1

Web: Description of how some drugs work and the brain areas involved-2

Web: Information about how neurons communicate and the reward pathways

Web: National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Web: National Institute of Drug Abuse

Web: National Institute of Mental Health

Web: Report of the Working Group on Psychotropic Medications for Children and Adolescents: Psychopharmacological, Psychosocial, and Combined Interventions for Childhood Disorders: Evidence Base, Contextual Factors, and Future Directions (2008)

Web: Ways drugs can alter neurotransmission .html



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