2 Ajiaco

Laura Molano

Hello, again! As you guys know, I tried to explain my recipe about viche, because it is a liquor, I couldn’t find more recipes from viche, but, I would like to explain other recipe that is important from my region (Bogotá), and it is a traditional soup; it is called Ajiaco and is the result of the mixture between native indigenous people, farmers, and Spanish due to colonization process. To consider, this is a very thick soup, and its importance lies in the flavor of three different types of potatoes that we find in Colombia (criolla, sabanera and R12 or pastusa). To start off, you need these ingredients:

  • The potatoes that I mentioned: criolla, sabanera and R12 or pastusa
  • Green onion
  • White onion
  • Garlic
  • Guascas (Colombian herb)
  • Chicken
  • Optional: capers and sour Cream.

Let’s start:

  1. It is important to chop the garlic and onions into very small parts and fry (sauté) them in oil, preventing them from burning.
  2. Once the oil is with the hot onion and El mejor ajiaco de Bogotá que vende dos mil tazas al mes. Mamá Luz, la cocinera de Buen día de RCN empezó vendiendo carnes guisadas en la calle y hoy es la más exitosa de la plaza de la Perseverancia. Ajiaco Comments Trinidad (Ecuador): ¡Laura! ¡Qué delicia de ajiaco! ¡Acá seguimos cuidando la Huasca, hierba indispensable en estos sabores ajiaquenos! Haré tu receta. Saludos. Foto propiedad de la autora. https://www.las2orillas.co/el-mejor-ajiaco-de-bogota-que-se-pone-40-millones-al-mes/ garlic, add the pieces of the sabanera potato and r12, also the slices of chicken, because the Criolla or yellow potato is added at the end so that it thickens faster.
  3. It is important to cover the pot and add the water that covers all the ingredients, until at least 45 minutes where you can see that the soup thickens, also add salt, pepper and if you want oregano.
  4. Then, after stirring the ingredients and showing that they are already soft, the pieces of yellow potato are added, with the guasca leaves, and the soup is tasted to measure its flavor and salt.
  5. Finally, capers and sour cream can be added when the soup is served. These two elements are Spanish inheritance that remained after the colony. This dish is accompanied with avocado and rice. As for drinks, we Colombians are used to preparing fruit juice or soda.

[The first picture it was taken by: Leonel Cordero, and you can look it up the story behind this photo in this article: https://www.las2orillas.co/el-mejor-ajiaco-de-bogota-que-se-pone-40-millones-al-mes/ , the second photo is yellow potato, in Colombia we used to call it “papa criolla”, and I took it during a trip in Cauca, it is the south of Colombia. ]

El mejor ajiaco de Bogotá que vende dos mil tazas al mes. Mamá Luz, la cocinera de Buen día de RCN empezó vendiendo carnes guisadas en la calle y hoy es la más exitosa de la plaza de la Perseverancia.


  • Trinidad (Ecuador): ¡Laura! ¡Qué delicia de ajiaco! ¡Acá seguimos cuidando la Huasca, hierba indispensable en estos sabores ajiaquenos! Haré tu receta. Saludos.