20 Attieke/ Garba, Ivory Coast, West Africa

Amy Doumbia

Hello everyone, my name is Amy Doumbia originally from Ivory Coast, West Africa. I’m pursuing a degree in business. Born in raised in Ivory coast with more than 20 + traditional languages speakers, with the official language French. Ivory Coast has lots of cuisines: every tribe has their own cuisines that represent their values. The main dishes in Ivory Coast that we are known for are: Attieke/ Garba which is made with Gasava and fried fish, Allocco fried plantain, foutou/ Fufu with palm sauce, Okra, peanut butter sauce, grilled fish with sauce on the side, and so many more. In every African culture and tradition all those dishes are eaten not with fork but with your right hand; living here in the USA, the food is not the same as the are back home because of the ingredients that are not available here to make those cuisines. Our foods represent who we are as Ivorians and what each dish means to us, every tribe has their own flavors with local ingredients that make those dishes.


  • Trinidad (Ecuador): Amy, your dishes look fantastic, specially the first one. Please tell me the name and the recipe. I am not sure I can find all needed ingredients here in Ecuador, but I will love to try. Gracias