6 Ceviche de camarón. USA.


Susan Rivera.



Hello everyone, the dish I picked is an Ecuadorian shrimp ceviche in Spanish it’s called Ceviche de camarón! This is my favorite dish to eat. I go to Ecuador at least twice a year. I own a house on the beach so when I go, I stay there and on the weekends there’s a man by the name of Antonio who comes around in a cart on the beach and makes it. But of course, when I’m not in Ecuador and I have free time I make it. I learned this recipe from my aunt Gladys. You can have Ceviche with patacones which is thick fried green plantains or “chifles” which is thin plantain chips it goes great with it. I eat mine with either patacones chifles and white rice!

This is the recipe

• 2 pounds cooked shrimp (if you buy it raw, I cook it in beer for better flavor

• 2 red onions sliced very thinly

• 4 tomatoes sliced very thinly or diced

• 1 bell pepper red or green, diced – optional

• 10-15 limes freshly squeezed

• The juice of 1 orange

• ½ cup of ketchup or ½ cup of freshly blended tomato juice for a fresher style ceviche

• 1 bunch of cilantro chopped very finely

• Salt pepper and oil (sunflower or light olive oil)


  • Ana (Ecuador): I also like ceviche very much, but especially the fish ceviche from the Manabí area in the south of the country. However, one day when I was walking through the historic center of Quito, I found a very old cevicheria, whose specialty is shrimp ceviche, and whose recipe was inherited by the family that owns the restaurant from generation to generation. It is an exceptional ceviche, which made me change my opinion about the taste of it, it really can be a delicious dish. Now the impacts of the shrimp industry, discourage us… But it is important that in a shrimp exporting country, people can have access to this food!
  • Trinidad (Ecuador): Excelente la receta que tu tía Gladys te ha compartido. El sabor del camarón recién sacado del agua no tiene comparación. We are experts in Ecuador in making ceviche of many different products from the ocean and with vegetables or grains such as lupines, mushrooms, palm hearts of palmito. Something that surprises me lately is how little young adults cook or know what a recipe carries. I find it common in certain age groups and this is a matter that has many consequences not only of that generation but for the ones to come. When in archaeological sites, along the land called today Ecuador, there is findings of shells in the Andean region and valleys, as there are in the coastal areas. Burial ceremonies were done with pieces of shells of black conchas, clams, oysters, mussels and more, besides the famous spondylus. I happen to eat a spondylus ceviche at Puerto Lopez in Manabí province about 15years ago. So, the presence of this type of diet with sea food comes over 3000 or more years ago. thanks for sharing this “Ecuadorian” ceviche.


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