9 Cured clay pot rice




  • Cantonese sausage
  • Rice
  • Egg
  • Rapeseed
  • Salt
  • Oil
  • 1 TBSP consumption oil
  • 1 TBSP cold water
  • 2 TBSP June light soy sauce
  • 1/2 TBSP white sugar
  • 1/2 TBSP sesame oil


  • Lightly cover the bottom of a stew saucepan with oil.
  • Wash the rice in a saucepan, add water in a 1:1.5 ratio, and soak for an hour.
  • Combine the soaked rice with half a tablespoon of salad oil and mix thoroughly.
  • Place the pot over the fire, reduce the heat as soon as it boils, cover, and simmer. Cook till the rice is almost done.
  • Thinly slice the sausage and ginger.
  • Spread the sausage and ginger on top of the rice and crack the egg into when the liquid in the pot seems to be almost dry. Cover and cook for 5 minutes, then remove the top and continue to cover and simmer for another 15 minutes.
  • Wash the little rape, bring a boiler of liquid to a boil, season with salt, and sprinkle several drops of oil over the heated rape. Drain and remove.
  • To make the dressing, whisk together 1 tablespoon oil, 1 tablespoon cold water, 2 tablespoons June light soy sauce, 1/2 tablespoon sugar, and 1/2 tablespoon sesame oil.
  • To enjoy, remove the stew rice top, pour into the small rap, pour the sauces over, then thoroughly mixed.

As my dad was such Cantonese chef, I picked the clay pot rice. I’ve loved his dishes since I was a child, particularly the clay Pot rice, which I remembered from snack to snack. I often used to add soy sauce onto rice since I was a kid, but now that I’m older, I prefer not to do so since I prefer to enjoy the rice’s natural flavor. The eggs are placed in right before the rice is ready, and they’re very lightly cooked when they arrive, so the yolk melts into the rice. Dachshund is original, just sliced, so most of the grease is left in the dachshund, and it may not be pleased, like rice greasy. The flavor stayed in my head for a long time.


  • Ana (Ecuador): Shuxian, my child will loveeee this recipe!! Although we don´t have those sausages here, we can replace them with other, sorry!!! Fortunately, we can get delicious Asian rice here, but what specific type of rice do you use?
  • Tania (Ecuador): I don’t know why for Ecuadorians Asian cook is sooo delicious!!!, we have much influence on our food from Asian food. For example, the use of soy sausage, rice, etc. I’m sure we have a history of relations between both regions, but honestly, I don’t know. I have a story of Ecuadorian students buying “chaulafan” in Mexico City, telling me that it is an Asian dish, very consumed in Ecuador… Beyond the truth of how much Asian is the “chaulafan”, people love it, and it’s also very characteristic; that’s why in Mexico City, one of the must commonly sold Ecuadorian food is this “Asian dish”
  • José Pablo (Colombia): Shuxian, it sounds amazing! The picture reminds me of something similar of the Korean dish Bibimbap. The thing that is distinctive of that dish is the crispy sticking rice that you find in the bottom of the pot. Do you get something similar in this dish?
  • Ana María (Mexico): Shuxian, this looks delicious! It’s lovely that your dad prepared this for you and that you’ve learned to prepare it for yourself. I’ve seen clay pots like the one you use being sold in Mexico City; I might have to get one to try this. Thanks for sharing!
  • Trinidad (Ecuador): Shuxian Hello! it look delicious, the picture is very good and the combination is fantastic. I am not sure I can find all the ingredients, Light soy sauce, but June brand I have not seen in Ecuador. About the clay pot, is this something home made and cured at home as well before used? and with a chef father I am sure there are lots of good recipes you enjoy! Gracias


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