22 Nagee Sauce, United States

Melonie Lomax-Legette

Stew of chopped green okra, scotch-bonnet peppers, onion, fish and meat in rich red broth.
Copyright © 2023 The Pretend Chef

Hello! hope everyone is doing well and getting back to normal as the world opens back up. My name is Malonnie and I was born and raised in the Bronx but I married into a African family. I’ve been with my husband for 12 years and we have two beautiful children. Him and his family is from Mali which is located in the western part of Africa. I have lived with his family for 5 years and they have introduced me to so much. They also make many dishes. So I would like to introduce y’all to one of my favorites which is the nagee sauce. I love this dish for the taste and how it doesn’t take many ingredients to make a great meal. It is made with tomato paste and water. You can add your choice of meat or fish, with different vegetables. They add their favorite seasoning and it’s made with love each time his mother makes it. We mainly eat this over rice or bread but you can also eat it by itself or with anything you prefer.


  • Trinidad (Ecuador): Could you please share the recipe? Thank you.