10 Pizza Naples Italian style, USA.


Bradly Martínez

As we all know pizza is well known around the world not just Italy. Its especially big in New York City which throughout the 1900’s and 1914’s was where they migrated to America. My father would always work with Italians and was essentially adopted by them I only ate pizza because I was a stubborn little kid therefore, he would always make it fresh out of his job where he was surrounded by Italians every day. I loved it. It’s something I cannot forget as well as him always trying to teach me how to make it but I didn’t like doing the work. I enjoyed eating more.


  • Flour – 640g
  • Water (room temperature) – 360g
  • Salt (fine) – 14g
  • Yeast (dried or fresh) – around 0.2g to 0.5g
  • With Strong white bread flour (decent substitute for 00 flour):
  • Flour – 620g
  • Water (room temperature) – 380g
  • Salt (fine) – 14g
  • Yeast (dried or fresh) – around 0.2

Add any toppings you want.


  • Syful (Bangladesh): Wow! The pizza is looking so delicious. I will try to make it in my house.
  • Trinidad (Ecuador): Braddly, it just looks delicious. So now you make it yourself? the 00 for the flour is that how you find it the market? what do you think that means? saludos from Ecuador


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