7 Pollada USA/Perú.


Melyssa Mateus




Peru has been recognized as one of the best destinations by Word Travel Awards, their delicious and traditional dishes have been some of the most attractions for tourists. Ceviche, Lomo Saltado, Papa a la Huancaina, and more are some of the most representative dishes; however, Pollada is not included in that list. As a Peruvian, when I have to think about food, family, and traditions, the first thing that came to my mind is Pollada. I think Pollada should be recognized as a culture because it is the best face that Peruvian people can show internationally. Pollada is family, sharing, and kindness.

Although it does not look like a luscious dish, it is one of the best ways for Peruvian people and my family to shows our support to someone. In Peru, when one member of my family gets sick, has medical or financial problems, not anyone in my family asks what we must do? Instead, they always ask when we make the Pollada? Pollada, as easy as people can see that dish, it is not easy to prepare. After you buy the chicken, you need to marinade it a least one day before the chicken can get all the flavor. Ingredients are salt, pepper, garlic, red chili, beer, chicha de Jora. Pollada is fried in oil, and it is served with parboiled potato and salad with lettuce and tomato. Its preparation sometimes could be de-stressing; however, it is the least that a family thinks about in crisis time. Pollada doesn’t look like a beautiful dish; however, Pollada is cooked with the most sincere feelings.



  • Susan (USA): This looks delicious!!! I can’t wait to make it!
  • Melyssa Mateus: Thank you Susan



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