11 Potato pancakes, Latvia.

Destiny Zitkus


The recipe I choose to share is for potato pancakes. I am Latvian and this dish is commonly served in my household on a regular basis.


  • 1 lb potatoes
  • 1 large egg
  • 5 tablespoons of flour
  • Salt and pepper are necessary to make the dish

Finely grate the potatoes into a bowl, drain any excess liquid. Mix in egg, flour, salt and pepper and combine. As my grandmother did, you may add a Vitamin C tablet to the mixture to prevent the potatoes from turning brown. Heat oil in a frying pan and heap the potato mixture into the pan and flatten, turn once until golden brown and serve with your choice of sour cream and onions with butter, or as my family chooses to serve with apple sauce. This dish is made for daily consumption and is also served during holidays. What makes this recipe special is the simplicity; it’s very easy to make but delicious and is a staple food among all eastern European people. I learned this recipe from family as it has been passed down, as I said before, it is a common dish that we eat regularly. The origin of this recipe came from Eastern Europe and was common among peasants as the climate and agriculture did not yield plentiful crops, potatoes were easy to store for long periods and the people created inventive ways to use them to make different dishes.


  • Alpha (USA): Tasty quick looking recipe Destiny! I generally love potatoes and enjoy pancakes so for that combination to come together, is pretty satisfying and delicious. As for recreating this recipe I will definitely give it my best shot because it sounds and looks too good to miss out on!
  • María de los Ángeles (Mexico): Destiny! Your recipe is very similar to what we call in Mexico “tortitas de papa”, the difference is that in Mexico we put in some cheese (queso cotija/queso de hebra (Oaxaca). I am very surprised about the similarities between this recipes and it looks really delicious.
  • Trinidad (Ecuador): Destiny! hello, do you cook the potatoes at some point or do they go grated and raw. Simple and delicious dish. I will prepare it right away. Thanks for sharing, I have never eaten anything from Latvia. Saludos


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