Agradecimientos / Acknowledgements

Queremos agradecer a quienes pusieron su granito de sal para darle sabor y forma a este proyecto: Olga Aksakalova y Anita Baksh, Directora y Subdirectora de COIL, cuyo entusiasmo y apoyo nunca mermaron durante este “experimento”; al equipo de COIL en LaGuardia Community College: Pablo Ávila, Oriana Mejías Martínez, Rojan K.C. quien nos capacitó y asistió técnicamente con la plataforma Slack; Juan Carlos Ortiz, del departamento de diseño de la UNAM, Elizabeth Serrano, alumna de la UNAM y creativa diseñadora de este recetario; al Posgrado de Antropología de la UNAM; a Lucinda Mayo, quien salpimentó con sus dotes de traductora gastronómica la última versión de este recetario. En especial, a los estudiantes del Food and Nation workshop, cuyas narrativas sobre comida, afectos, política y gusto iluminan el futuro de la alimentación en el mundo.

We would like to thank those who added their own flavor and flair to this project: Olga Aksakalova and Anita Baksh, COIL’S Chair and Co-Chair, whose enthusiasm and support never waned during this “experiment”; the COIL team at LaGuardia Community College: Pablo Avila, Oriana Mejías Martínez, Rojan K.C. who trained and gave us technical support with the Slack platform; Juan Carlos Ortiz, from UNAM’s design department; Elizabeth Serrano, UNAM student and creative designer of the cookbook; the Anthropology Graduate Program at UNAM; Lucinda Mayo, who helped season the final version with her skills as a gastronomic translator. And most of all, to the students of the Food and Nation workshop, whose narratives on cooking and taste, politics and human warmth, illuminate the future of food in the world. This is where you can write your introduction.


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