1 Microsoft Outlook App
- Watch/read the tutorial below and take notes
- At the end of the tutorial, download Microsoft Outlook App on your Phone
- Activate your student email using your cell phone number as multi-factor authentication.
- Download Microsoft Outlook App on your phone.
- Depending on your device, watch the video to learn how to download the Microsoft Outlook App on your phone.
How to add Outlook to Android Device
How to add Outlook on IOS Device
2. How to set up Microsoft Outlook app with phone authentication
Your email account is your firstname.lastname@student.mec.cuny.edu
default password is in the format: Mec@yymm
3. Setting Your Default Student Password
As a new student, your initial account password is set in a specific format for security reasons. Please follow the instructions below to understand how your default password is structured.”
Password Format Explained:
“Your default password is in the format: Mec@yymm”
“Here, ‘yy’ is replaced by the last two digits of your birth year.”
“‘MM’ is replaced by your birth month in two digits.
For months, January to September, add a ‘0’ before the month number. For example, May becomes ’05’.”
“If your birth year is 2003 and you were born in May, your password will be: Mec@0305”
“If your birth year is 1998 and you were born in November, your password will be: Mec@9811” Instructions for Setting Password:
When prompted for old password, use the default password above.
You will be prompted to change this password after your first login for security purposes.
4. Reminder for Security:
Never share your password with others.
Make sure your new password is strong and unique.” at least 8 characters, at least 1 uppercase letter, at least one numeric or uppercase character, it must not be one of the previous 4 passwords you used for the account.
5. Contact Information:
If you face any issues or forget your password, please contact the IT support desk at helpdesk@mec.cuny.edu or call 718-270-6262. You will need to provide your employee ID.
*** If you are a new student who recently enrolled at the school, your email account may not have been created as yet. You may need to wait until your account has been created.
REMINDER – Do not Download the authenticator; instead select ” I want to sign in another way and use your phone to sign in”