3 Connecting to MEC WiFi
- Have this information handy to Learn and Practice connecting to MEC wifi, while you are on campus to ensure access.
As a member of our campus, you have access to two WiFi networks: ‘MEC’ and ‘Eduroam’. Below are the detailed instructions on how to connect to each network.”
Section 1: Connecting to MEC WiFi
Network Name: MEC
Username: Your unique username is in the format: stdm\firstname.lastname
Example: If your name is John Doe, your username is stdm\john.doe
Password: Your password follows the format: Mec@yymm
yy represents the last two digits of your birth year.
MM represents your birth month in two digits (e.g., May is 05).
Example: If your birth date is May 2003, your password will be Mec@0305.
Steps to Connect:
Select the ‘MEC’ network from your device’s WiFi settings.
Enter the username and password as described above.
Section 2: Connecting to Eduroam WiFi
Network Name: Eduroam – use your CUNYfirst Login Information
Username: Your username is your Firstname.Lastname followed by the last two numbers of your employee ID, then @login.cuny.edu
Example: If your name is Jane Smith and your employee ID ends in 45, your username is Jane.Smith45@login.cuny.edu
Password: Use your CUNYfirst password.
Steps to Connect:
Select the ‘Eduroam’ network from your device’s WiFi settings.
Enter the username and password as described above.
General Tips:
Ensure your device’s WiFi is turned on.
If you encounter any issues, forget the network and try reconnecting.
Keep your passwords confidential and secure.
If you need assistance or have issues connecting to either network, please contact the IT support desk at Helpdesk@mec.cuny.edu or call 718-270-6262. You will need to provide your employee ID.