
Chapter 1. Psychophysics and Neuroscience.

1.6. Neuroscience research methods

In Module 1.2 you read about psychophysical research methods that allow researchers to investigate the relationship between a physical stimulus and a person’s perception of it. Researchers who study sensation and perception also use neuroscientific techniques to investigate the relationship between a stimulus and the activity it produces within the nervous system (sensation). In many cases, neuroscience studies can also investigate the link between the neural activity that is evoked by a stimulus  (physiology) and a person’s perception of it. In this way, we can build stronger ways to understand the relationship between sensation and perception. For example, in a vision test, experimenters can show the participant a flashing pattern of small black and white squares (like a chess board) and then decrease the size of the squares until the participant says they can no longer see them. If brain activity is recorded at the same time, we would see that the visual parts of the brain no longer respond to the squares when the size is reduced to the point that the participant can no longer see them. This then allows the researchers to use the technique to assess visual abilities in nonverbal participants.

Invasive Single Cell Recordings

Invasive techniques, such as lesioning brain regions or implanting recording electrodes in the brain, are commonly used in research with non-human animals to study the processes involved in sensation and perception. In some studies, researchers will lesion or remove a part of the brain, this is called ablation. After the target region is carefully removed or inactivated, the behavior of the animal is tested to determine the function of the lesioned structure. For example, researchers may remove specific components of the association visual cortex and test how the ability to see changes.

In other cases, researchers learn about brain function by implanting recording devices directly in animal brains to ‘listen in’ on brain activity. The animal undergoes a stereotaxic surgery whereby a recording electrode is inserted into a target area of the brain (see Figure 1.11). Different types of invasive electrophysiological recording include: intracellular unit recording, wherein a microelectrode is inserted into a single neuron to measure its electrical activity; extracellular recordings that pick up the firing of one nearby neuron (single unit recording) or several adjacent neurons (multiunit recording); and invasive electroencephalography (EEG), where a large electrode picks up the electrical brain activity of a large number of nearby neurons. These electrodes can pick up neural activity while the animal is performing some task and provide insight into links between neural activity and behavior.

Picture of a laboratory rat.
Figure 1.11. A lab rat with a brain implant that was used to record neuronal activity while the rat performed a particular task (vibration discrimination in this case). In this picture, a scientist feeds the rat apple juice through a pipette. CREDIT: Laboratory Rat © Wikimedia is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license



Non-invasive physiological Methods

Just as X-ray technology allows us to peer inside the body, many different types of neuroimaging techniques allow us to view the working human brain (Raichle,1994). Each method allows us to “see’” brain activity through a different lens, and each has its advantages and disadvantages (Biswas-Diener, 2023).

Electroencephalography (EEG)  has been used for more a century (e.g., Berger, 1929) to measure the electrical activity of the brain. When large populations of neurons are active, they create a small electrical voltage that passes through the skull and scalp. Electrodes placed on the participant’s head pick up the voltages, which are amplified and recorded (see Figure 1.13). Researchers can record the voltages from brain activity as the participant performs a task (Figure 1.14).

Because the small voltages are distorted as they pass through brain tissue, skin, and bone, researchers only have a rough idea where in the brain a signal was generated. This uncertainty is especially the case for signals coming from deep within the brain. Thus, EEG’s spatial resolution of where something occurs in the brain is rather low. We call this property spatial resolution. Conversely, EEG’s temporal resolution is excellent and indicates when something happens in the brain to the millisecond. With the excellent temporal resolution, EEG is well suited for examining the brain’s response to a stimulus event. These types of signals are called event-related potentials (ERP). In a typical ERP experiment, researchers might play a visual or auditory event like a word, then measure the corresponding voltage changes that unfold in the brain over the next few hundred milliseconds. The amplitude, timing, and topography (position) of the EEG signal capture the underlying neural/mental processes.



Picture of an EEG recording cap.
Figure 1.13. Participant wearing an EEG cap that uses electrodes to pick up voltages on the scalp. CREDIT: EEG Recording Cap © Wikimedia is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license
Example of the EEG spike waves.
Figure 1.14. An EEG readout of voltages at 16 electrode sites. Each row is one electrode; the voltage of each electrode is mapped on the vertical axis; and time is mapped on the horizontal axis with each vertical line marking 1 second. This particular EEG readout is showing characteristic 3 Hz spike and wave discharges in a child with epilepsy (notice the 3 peaks occurring every second). CREDIT: Spike Waves © Wikimedia is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license

Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is similar to EEG, but instead of electrical signals, MEG picks up the weak magnetic fields generated by the flow of electrical charge associated with neural activity. Because the magnetic fields generated by brain activity are so small, special rooms are needed that shield out magnetic fields in the environment so that the MEG sensors can pick up magnetic fields from neural activity without environmental contamination. Similar to EEG, MEG also has excellent (millisecond) temporal resolution. The spatial resolution of MEG is far better than that of EEG because magnetic fields are able to pass relatively unchanged through hard and soft tissue and therefore are not distorted by skull and scalp. In spite of MEG’s excellent spatial and temporal resolution, it is used much less widely than EEG because the MEG apparatus is much more expensive and unwieldy than that for EEG.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Many imaging technologies can capture detailed inner images of the brain and the activity within it that is caused by a stimulus. In the 1970s, the development of computerized tomography (CT) scans allowed non-invasive imaging of the living brain using X-rays. CT scans are rarely used today for purely research purposes due to the radiation exposure and relatively low image resolution. Similarly, although PET scans can provide images of the brain by detecting the presences of radioactive markers that are inhaled or injected, they are not commonly used anymore because they expose participants to low-levels of radiation. The most commonly used brain-imaging modality today is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Different types of scans from the same MRI machine can give high resolution images of brain structure (structural MRI) and brain function (functional MRI or fMRI). MRI scanners may be expensive, noisy, and claustrophobic to some, but they are harmless and painless and are powerful and prevalent tools for illuminating brain structure and function.

MR scanners use a strong magnetic field that is around 60,000 times stronger than the earth’s magnetic field. As a person lies very still in the scanner, the magnetic field forces protons in their body to align. Pulsations of low-energy radio frequencies cause the protons to change their spin. As the radiofrequency is turned off, these protons return to their aligned state and give off energy that is detected by MRI sensors. The timing and amount of energy released as the protons realign with the magnetic field differs based on the type of tissue, and can clearly depict differences between the brain’s white matter, gray matter, cerebrospinal fluid, bone, blood, blood vessels, etc.


Photo of a person in an MRI scanner head first.
Figure 1.15. MRI scanner with subject laying down in the scanner bore. CREDIT: MRI Scanner © Mart Production via. Pexels is licensed under a CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) license

Structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) creates detailed images of brain structure with millimeter resolution. The high-resolution 3D images might show the brain’s gray matter and white matter in voxels (i.e. like 3D pixels) that are 1mm x 1mm x 1mm cubes. Researchers may use the image to compare the size of structures in different groups of people (for example, Are areas for controlling the fingers in the motor cortex larger in string musicians than vocalists or trombonists?). These structural images can also be used in conjunction with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which measures activity.


Functional MRI (fMRI) uses the same MR scanners, but instead of capturing a high-resolution snapshot of brain structure, it measures brain “function” or activation while a subject performs some task. As a brain region becomes more active, it uses oxygen and causes an inflow of oxygenated blood to that region over the following few seconds. fMRI measures the change in the concentration of oxygenated hemoglobin, which is known as the blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal. From the BOLD signal, researchers infer neuronal activation in that brain region (note that fMRI does not directly measure the neuronal activity). Because cerebral blood flow is coupled with neural activation, researchers can map brain activation while people in the scanner perform tasks like reading, speaking, viewing images of faces or places, recalling memories, etc. In this way, fMRI provides evidence of localization of function and which areas are active during specific tasks. fMRI has high spatial resolution and the activation maps in a typical fMRI study consist of cubic voxels that are a few mm on each side. However, the temporal resolution of fMRI is quite poor and it typically takes a snapshot of brain activation averaged over a 2 or 3 second window.

In addition to measuring BOLD responses while subjects perform some task, fMRI can measure subjects’ brain activation over many minutes while they perform no task (so-called “resting state scans” wherein they might lay in the brain scanner for 10 minutes while instructed “don’t do anything in particular”). These can often be used as control conditions,


Picture showing a researcher checking MRI images.
Figure 1.16. Researcher checking MRI images. On the monitor on the right, activations are overlaid on brain structure; typically “hotter” colors (reds and oranges) denote more brain activation than a baseline, and “cooler” colors (blues and greens) denote less brain activation than baseline. CREDIT: Researcher Test © Wikimedia is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license

While fMRI is popular and powerful and people find the pretty images convincing, they are correlational and don’t fully explain the causal role of specific brain regions in determining mental processes. This is an important example of why it is essential to rely upon converging evidence—as an example, correlational fMRI data coupled with causal experimental data from lab animals. Also to address some of the limits of correlational research, researchers are developing techniques that can directly modulate brain activity.

In order to establish a causal rather than correlational relationship, we need to alter brain function and observe subsequent change in behavior. Lesions are one way to alter the brain and can reveal a casual relationship (e.g., when losing a brain region leads to loss of function, that brain area is necessary or involved in the function). However, invasive lesions can only be introduced in animals, which differ from humans in key ways. Lesions in human brains can only be studied in patient populations; that is, after a patient experiences brain damage from a stroke or other injury. New technologies have been developed that allow researchers to temporarily and non-invasively alter brain function in humans.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a form of brain stimulation that uses magnets to alter brain activity. Researchers place a magnetic coil over the scalp and apply a magnetic current that stimulates the neurons below the magnetic coil (Figure 1.17). Depending on the type and rate of magnetic pulses, TMS can be used to temporarily “turn off” or “turn on” the brain area under the coil. In research domains, researchers might temporarily “turn off” or “turn on” parts of the temporal lobe and look at how it affects people’s ability to understand speech sounds.

Photo showing a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) coil positioned over a person’s scalp.
Figure 1.17. A transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) coil positioned over a person’s scalp. CREDIT: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) © Wikimedia is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license

Transcranial  direct current stimulation (tDCS) is similar to TMS except that it uses electrical current directly (rather than inducing it with magnetic pulses) via small electrodes on the skull (Beck & Tapia, 2023). A brain area is stimulated by a low current (equivalent to an AA battery) for an extended period of time.

 In sum, the various research techniques used in sensation and perception research each have their own strengths and weaknesses in terms of spatial resolution, temporal resolution, ease-of-use, invasiveness, cost, precision, etc. Using the different tools in a complementary manner provides converging evidence for understanding how the brain works.

Parts of this chapter were adapted from:

Beck, D. & Tapia, E. (2023). The brain. In R. Biswas-Diener & E. Diener (Eds), Noba textbook series: Psychology. Champaign, IL: DEF publishers. Retrieved from http://noba.to/jx7268sd

Biswas-Diener, R. (2023). The brain and nervous system. In R. Biswas-Diener & E. Diener (Eds), Noba textbook series: Psychology. Champaign, IL: DEF publishers. Retrieved from http://noba.to/4hzf8xv6


Berger, H. (1929). Über das Elektrenkephalogramm des Menschen. Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, 87(1), 527-570.

Brasil-Neto, J. P. (2012). Learning, memory, and transcranial direct current stimulation. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 3(80). doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2012.00080.

Infantolino, Z. & Miller, G. A. (2023). Psychophysiological methods in neuroscience. In R. Biswas-Diener & E. Diener (Eds), Noba textbook series: Psychology. Champaign, IL: DEF publishers. Retrieved from http://noba.to/a6wys72f

Raichle, M. E. (1994). Images of the mind: Studies with modern imaging techniques. Annual Review of Psychology, 45(1), 333-356.



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Sensation and Perception Copyright © 2025 by Dr. Jill Grose-Fifer; Students of PSY 3031; and Edited by Dr. Cheryl Olman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.