
About The SEEK Student Association

The SEEK Student Association (SSA)
Started in the 1970s by SEEK honor students and formerly called The Cultural Activities Club, the SEEK Student Association consists only of SEEK students and is a social organization designed to broaden students’ cultural horizons. Upon its inception, the association organized talent and fashion shows, concerts, and fundraising activities for SEEK students. Students are encouraged to participate in the Association for a variety of reasons:

  •  The encouragement and development of leadership skills occur as students assume ownership for the success of the organization.
  • The development of vital interpersonal relationship skills such as responsibility, cooperation, punctuality, and dependability are fostered as students interact with other members.
  • The acquisition of specific knowledge or skills as they relate to a particular activity will permit students to develop a depth of understanding otherwise not possible.
  • Participation will enable students to develop a balance between academic accomplishments and social development. Upon graduation, this necessary balance will greatly aid students in successfully meeting the challenges of our contemporary society.
  • Provides a forum for students to initiate change in the program and on campus.
  • Employers are more likely to extend job offers to students who demonstrate that they have more to bring to a job than just grades.
    Activities that the organization has done include fundraising events, cultural theatrical outings, recruitment of new SEEK students, and community service projects. Specifically, the organization has:
  • Sponsored panel discussion addressing contemporary issues affecting men of color in the United States.
  • Organized monthly movie night events on campus.
  • Collaborated with Health Services to bring awareness on campus regarding medical conditions that affect people of color.
  • Organized dinners with the club members for team building purposes.
  • Sponsored bake sales, SEEK assemblies, and informational sessions.
  • Co-sponsored events with the MEC Student Government Association.

General assembly meetings are held as determined by the executive board. The association intends to continue its effort of promoting cultural enlightenment by traveling domestically and internationally.


Positions and Role Descriptions

Role of the PRESIDENT

  • Call all meetings to order and facilitate discussions
  • Create meeting agenda with the assistance of Cabinet members
  • Motivate group members and keep moral high
  • Plan and coordinate events with the advice of cabinet and committee members


  • Assume all duties of the President in his/her absence
  • Assist the president in executing and implementing events and initiatives
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President

Role of the TREASURER

  • Prepare and present annual budget
  • Maintain accurate financial records
  • Handle money request, checks, and purchase orders on behalf of the association
  • With the assistance of the President, prepare and present budget request to Faculty Advisor
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President

Role of the SECRETARY

  • Record accurate minutes
  • Provide all members and faculty advisor early notification of prospective dates and times of future meetings so that room reservations can be secured by faculty in advance
  • E-mail all organization members and faculty advisor the minutes form every meeting
  • With the assistance of faculty advisor, make copies of meeting agenda
  • Disseminate meeting agenda to all organization members during assembly meetings
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President


  • Ensure that meetings follow parliamentary procedures (a.k.a rules of engagement)
  • Keep count of active membership to ensure that only paid members vote
  • Maintain records of votes and rulings
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President


  • Attend all meetings as a non-voting member
  • Provide guidance and administrative support
The duties outlined above are largely based on the constitution developed by the SEEK Student Association. If you are interested in participating in the SEEK Student Association, please contact SEEK@mec.cuny.edu.
Additional Resources


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To the extent possible under law, SEEK Department has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Percy E. Sutton SEEK Program Student Handbook, except where otherwise noted.


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