Rubric for annotated bibliography


Exceeds expectations

Meets expectations

Approaches expectations

Not present/not near expectations

Completeness of bibliography

References are clearly related to the specific topic and provide a strong foundation for a discussion of the topic.

References include at least 12 items with the minimum number of each type of source. All items relate to the topic.

References include at least 7 items relating to the topic distributed over the at least two types of sources.

References include 6 or fewer items related to the topic or only includes one type of source..


Annotations for each of the items are complete and provide a strong foundation for synthesis.

All 12 annotations contain a paragraph that summarizes and a paragraph that analyzes.

At least 7 annotations contain both a paragraph that summarizes or a paragraph that analyzes or 12 all contain one or the other.

6 or fewer annotations contain both a paragraph that summarizes or a paragraph that analyzes or 12 all contain one or the other

Formatting of references

All references file APA version 7 style exactly.

There are some minor errors in the APA formatting.

Complete reference information is present but not in APA style.

Reference information is incomplete, inaccurate or not in any consistent style.


Cited sources are accurate and apply to the topic.

Cited sources are accurate.

Cited sources may have some areas of inaccuracy

More than 25% of the sources are inaccurate.

Summary paragraph

Connection to project paragraph

*Note: you must meet all criteria in a level for that score


Deep Dive Guide Copyright © by elinwaring and bridgetalepore. All Rights Reserved.

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