
Step 6: Create a bibliography

A bibliography is a list of sources. We keep a bibliography- which is called Works Cited if you are following MLA formatting or References when using APA formatting guidelines- so that we know and can share the sources of information that we used in our work. Bibliographies are formal, and contain very specific information in a specific order. This allows anyone looking at your work to locate the sources you’ve used.

In your first stage of the deep dive, you are making a list of sources. These are the sources you will work with. You will not add to them or remove sources from this list. Each source is present because it helps you synthesize information and answer your question. Some sources will be used heavily and others may only have small bits of information that help you. That’s ok- and expected.

You will use many sources in this part of your deep dive. Putting them into your first draft of your bibliography means you’ve committed to use them. They are useful, relevant, and familiar to you.

Your bibliography for this class will:

  • Have entries in alphabetical order
  • Have at least 12 entries
    • 2 scholarly peer reviewed journal articles (from the library)
    •  2 encyclopedia/reference entries (from the library)
    •  4 popular media source
    •  4 entries of your choice
  • Follow APA conventions
  • Only include the citation entry for the source (no annotations)

You’ll use this bibliography as you create evidence of your deep dive. It will be used:

  • On your presentation (as the final slide)
  • As the foundation for your annotated bibliography
  • For discussion with your professor (if you are asked to show the sources you are looking to use)


Deep Dive Guide Copyright © by elinwaring and bridgetalepore. All Rights Reserved.