
2 Why do a deep dive in this class?

Throughout your college career- and beyond- you will need to answer essential questions and make decisions that affect those you care about and the world around you. A deep dive into these topics helps you to have a complete understanding and be able to make decisions.

In college, as part of the work of a scholar (and you ARE an emerging scholar- a person with specialized knowledge and skills related to academic disciplines), you are expected to examine topics using a variety of evidence. You’ll find that you perform the work of a deep dive in many college courses. For example, you might investigate a topic in biology, a social problem in sociology, or a management strategy in a business course.

In this class, we are working to build the skills you will need from this part of your career on. As a student, you will be asked to learn about topics quickly and deeply and to form arguments, ideas, and solutions based on evidence. The steps in this deep dive project give you practice in the tasks you will need to perform.

Learning Objectives

The learning outcomes of LEH250 are:

  • Transition to college and campus life at Lehman College by being able to:
  • Identify the mission and values of Lehman College and the existing Lehman services supporting that mission (e.g., Academic Advisement, Campus Life, Career Services, Counseling Center, Instructional Support Services, Office of Prestigious Awards, Student Disability Services).
  • Identify requirements of college degree curriculum
  • Use existing technological tools (e.g., Blackboard, CUNYFirst, DegreeWorks, Lehman360, Library resources).
  • Examine the career exploration process and how skills and interests match a chosen major/career path
  • Employ the methods of critical inquiry and analysis in the disciplinary areas, including physical and life sciences, humanities, and applied perspectives.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills, including inquiry, analysis, and reading.
  • Communicate using writing, oral presentation, or other diverse media (e.g., visual representation, performance, or design)

Look at the goals of a deep dive- and see how they fit within the course outcomes.

By the end of a deep dive, you will:

  • Use general sources to understand a topic
  • Work to identify a question of interest
  • Strategize to find sources to answer the question
  • Create 3 pieces of original work based on your deep dive

Not only does the deep divide prepare you for future work, but it also demonstrates your learning in THIS course.


Deep Dive Guide Copyright © by elinwaring and bridgetalepore. All Rights Reserved.