The Equity Through OER Rubric
10 Rubric Category: Students
Equitably leading to equitable student access, outcomes and success.
Availability of OER
- Not Present:
- OER are not adopted in any programs or courses, and hence not available to students.
- Beginning:
- OER are adopted in a few academic programs and courses.
- Emerging:
- OER are being adopted more widely and intentionally in academic courses and programs, with attention being paid to availability for specific student populations.
- OER are available online.
- OER available offline through limited printing access.
- Established:
- Comprehensive plan is developed with implementation underway to increase availability of OER to students institution-wide, with focused attention to targeted student populations by ability, income, race/ethnicity, gender, geographic location, and majors.
- OER are accessible to all learners, and available online and offline.
- New OER are designed in adherence to accessibility requirements and standards.
- Monitoring plan in place to ensure no disparities in students accessing OER, including by ability, income, race/ethnicity, gender, geographic location, and majors.
Access to Technology
(Broadband, Devices and Services)
- Not Present:
- Access to technology not considered as part of OER usage and/or planning.
- Beginning:
- Access to broadband, devices and service considered as part of OER usage and/or planning.
- Emerging:
- Alternatives for accessing OER are offered for students with technology impediments with attention to broadband, service and device needs.
- Established:
- Comprehensive plan is developed with implementation underway to ensure technological access to OER for students, with attention to differing needs of student populations.
- The plan includes alternatives for accessing OER for students with technology impediments and students can access course materials in a variety of ways.
Student Awareness of OER
- Not Present:
- Students are not informed about what OER are, where to find them, or how to use them.
- Beginning:
- Some institutional units and departments are beginning to take responsibility for informing students about OER and how to access them.
- Course schedules and catalogues, and bookstore increasingly include clear OER course markings.
- Emerging:
- More institutional units and departments are informing students about OER, including library, academic units, advisement and student support units, and bookstore.
- Published cost-of-attendance information includes language on no- and low-cost textbooks and course materials.
- Students are informed about data privacy aspects of automated textbook purchasing programs and other course material options.
- Established:
- Comprehensive communication plan is developed with implementation underway in which units take responsibility for informing students, including orientation, registration, financial aid, advisement, libraries and academic departments, and bookstore.
- Communication plan includes continuous monitoring of assessment, improvement, and dissemination.