
9 Ways To Keep Your Information Secure Online

You can count yourself lucky if you have never had your details or identity stolen online. Such an experience can be devastating and can result in mental anguish if you don’t manage things well. However, if you take appropriate steps, you may never have such a bad time, and your online experience will become even more enjoyable.

9 Ways to Keep Your Information Secure Online

You do several things online nowadays, from shopping to banking and working to investing. But do you know how to protect your personal information online and prevent identity theft? Did you know sharing too many details on social media can give the wrong people a glimpse into your personal life? Luckily, we have elected to share the best tips for keeping your online transactions and interactions safe. Read on as we share the top nine ways to protect yourself on the internet.

Use Complex Passwords

Avoid short passwords because hackers can crack them easily. Instead, create unique and complex passwords by combining upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid using the same password for several accounts. If you have trouble remembering them all, consider using a password manager to create and manage complex passwords. Keep your accounts safe without stress.

Perform a Yearly Audit

Don’t forget to do a yearly checkup on the websites you’re using. Export the list of sites saved on your password manager, and ensure you have strong passwords and two-factor authentication enabled. Close any accounts you no longer use to protect your information. Also, ensure that you change your passwords regularly.

Avoid Sharing Too Much Information Online

Don’t overshare personal info online, such as your location, pictures, birthdays, and vacations. Hackers can use this info against you. And now that social media companies like Facebook have had security breaches, limiting what you share on your profiles is more important than ever. Take a moment to review your privacy settings and make sure you know who can see your posts on social media.

Be Wary With Links and Attachments

Protecting your data is not always straightforward because hackers keep inventing new tricks. Unfortunately, many people still fall victim to phishing scams. Be careful when clicking on links or attachments, as cybercriminals can trick you into thinking they’re from legitimate organizations. Watch out for spelling errors, suspicious email addresses, and unexpected messages from friends.

To be safe:

  • Manually enter the organization’s URL into your browser and verify any message before clicking.
  • Take a moment to pause and consider whether the email is legitimate.

Use Multi-Factor or Strong Authentication

Protect your private data by creating a multi-factor or robust authentication to verify your identity or transactions. It’s easy to do, and most email providers and banks have this feature in their settings. Follow the instructions, which may involve scanning a QR code with an app, to enable it. Strong authentication requires combining something you know, such as a username and password, with something you have, such as a hard token or mobile phone.

Use Different Emails for Different Purposes

Protect your data online by using more than one email account. Consider creating a separate email address for sensitive information like banking, and do not share it with anyone. Use a second email for things like email lists, retail coupons, and online games, and a third for communicating with friends and family. This move keeps your personal information organized and secure.

Keep Your Social Security Number to Yourself

Avoid sharing your social security number (SSN) with anyone other than the federal government. Despite many services asking for it, legally, you are not obligated to provide it to them. Refusing to share it can help protect your data from being tied together with other sources, keeping it safer. If you suspect your number has been compromised, place a credit freeze and check your accounts for unusual activity.

Secure Your Devices

Ensure you have good internet security software to protect your computer from the latest online threats. Consider installing an antivirus, anti-spyware software, and a firewall. Also, only use reputable proxy providers to hide your IP. Some providers are notorious for stealing users’ information.

Also, keep your software updated to patch vulnerabilities and keep hackers away. Do not jump on any free public WiFi. These networks often have weak security, making it easy for others to access your activity. Before performing any financial transactions, wait until you’re on a secure, password-protected connection.

Only Use Secure Websites

Make sure a website is safe before entering payment details. Look for a lock symbol and “HTTPS” at the beginning of the URL. Also, check for a privacy policy, contact information, or a “Verified Secure” seal to confirm the site is trustworthy. Avoid websites with typos or no security symbols, and click the VeriSign checkmark to verify the website’s identity. Lastly, consider using a high-security browser with a green EV SSL address bar.


Stay safe online by educating yourself and your family about potential threats and using trusted security software. By taking an active role in your internet security, you can protect your devices and personal information. Together, we can reduce the number of targets for attackers and keep the digital world a safer place.


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