
Acknowledgements and Ancillary Materials


Professor Pagano and Professor Parnes are both very thankful for all the help and assistance offered by the best OER cohort ever imagined.  Special thanks need to be given to Professor Cailean Cooney who offered not only support but invaluable advice.



More than generous funding for this OER project was provided by the CUNY OER initiative, coordinated by the Office of Library Services, which incentivizes assigning open and zero-cost course materials for students. Support for the initiative was provided by New York City College of Technology Library Department.



A populated online test bank which allows for question sharing, question creating, and creating either “Word” or Blackboard downloadable exams can be obtained by contacting either Professor Maria Pagano at mpagano@citytech.cuny.edu or Professor Marie Parnes at  mparnes@citytech.cuny.edu.



See something wrong, or would you like to add something?  Feedback is not only welcome but encouraged by both faculty and students.  Please send any questions or comments you might have to either mpagano@citytech.cuny.edu or mparnes@citytech.cuny.edu


“Test Yourself” Copyright

“Test Yourself material is original work created by Marie Parnes and Maria Pagano and is licensed under CC BY NC 4.0


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Psychology 2e OpenStax Copyright © 2020 by Openstax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.