
9 Find Your LaGuardia Community

As a first year LaGuardia Community College (LAGCC)  student, you may be looking to find your community and explore new interests. Participating in co-curricular activities on campus enriches your college experience, helps you make lifelong friends, and builds valuable skills for your future. We know that you might be short on time outside of class but encourage you to schedule even just a little bit of time to connect with the wider LaGuardia community each week.   

Why join a club?

Joining a student club is a great way to get involved in co-curricular activities. Not only can clubs be a fun way to meet new people and pursue your passions, but they can also provide valuable opportunities for personal growth and skill-building.

On this page, you will be able to hear from LAGCC club presidents and learn about each club. There will also be an opportunity to explore the various departments and organizations at the college that are available to you.

Still not sure if co-curricular activities are for you? Watch the below video from former Film Club president Paul Williams, who will share his thoughts on the importance of getting involved on campus:

Student Clubs

Bangladesh Student Association (BSA) Club

The Bangladesh Student Association (BSA) club accepts students regardless of their chosen major. BSA envisions members expanding their horizons through community service and educational programming. Members are responsible for participating in planning discussions and attending club meetings, where we will meet a particular purpose: to facilitate the members’ staying connected, hosting a workshop, inviting a special guest, and sharing campus resources. We seek to explore college culture, make friends, and help our LAGCC students grow and strive to create a safe, welcoming place where everyone—students, faculty, and staff—can learn and thrive together. We are BSA members who believe in friendship and unity regardless of race, religion, and ethnicity! “Friendship and Unity—we believe in.”

Climate Reality Club

Climate Reality Club  is a group of student activists looking to innovate and inspire positive environmental change. Since its beginnings in 2021, CR Club has been promoting recycling, more bike lanes and bike racks around the LaGCC campus. Students participating in the climate change movement have cultivated strong independent voices that harmoniously combine to make advances in helping the planet. Climate Reality Club students convey their messages in the classroom, at in-person events and on social media while collaborating with LaGCC faculty/staff and community partners to achieve their goals. During their time in CR Club, students exercise their leadership skills while expanding their professional networks.

Environmental Restoration Internships

Community Engagement – Environmental Restoration Internships
This internship is a great opportunity for someone who is interested in environmental restoration, urban ecology, aquaculture, bioremediation, environmental justice, green infrastructure and/or community engagement. The projects are very collaborative with other students, professors, and Newtown Creek Alliance (NCA; a community-based organization dedicated to improving health, water quality, habitat, access, and commercial opportunities along the Newtown Creek which runs close to the LaGCC campus) staff and there are opportunities for the interns to propose and implement their own research projects. Students also receive a weekly stipend for their participation.

Film Club

The former president of the Film Club shares what it’s like to build a community with peers, as well as how he has connected with his major.

International Students Club

The International Students Club aims to provide a welcoming and supportive community for international students at LaGuardia. The International Students will be a place where students from all over the world can come together to learn about each other’s cultures, share their experiences, and make new friends. With strong leadership and support, we promise to become an impactful organization on campus.  Watch the videos below to learn more about how the club got started, what it means to take initiative, and how it contributes to campus life. Discover the impact of student-led activities and how you can get involved in making a difference on campus.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Japan Entertainment Club

The Japan Entertainment Club is an official student organization with representation at SAC (the Student Advisory Council) through the Office of Student Life at LaGuardia Community College, established in the early 2000’s and its original goal was to support international students from Japan. The purpose and the membership of the Japan Club have shifted from the Japanese international students to non-Japanese students who are interested in Japan and Japanese culture, especially its pop culture such as anime, manga, video games, and J-pop. The Japan Club merged with its sister club, Anime Club, and was renamed into “Japan and Entertainment Club” in Spring 2022.
You can follow them on their Facebook: Japan Club LaGuardia Community College

LaGuardia Humanitarian Initiative Student Club

The LaGuardia Humanitarian Initiative(LHI) Student club was created by LaGuardia students, in the academic year 2022-2023, interested in impactful humanitarian and social work through partnership with local and global organizations. We believe every voice counts and every effort could make a difference in our society. LaGuardia’s experiential learning program, working hand in hand with partnering organizations affiliated with the LHI programs, such as CARE, International (est 1948) and the United Nations Academic Impact program. The Humanitarian Club extends and strengthens LHI’s vision of an inquiry and problem solving approach towards global issues such as hunger, poverty, education rights, as addressed by the United Nations Sustainable Development goals. Club members advocate for issues that matter to students and the communities they represent, while also opening up avenues for students to strengthen their leadership skills and collaborate with members of LaGuardia’s other clubs. We welcome ideas for projects that matter to our students. Projects could range from reaching out to Council members, advocating, volunteering, internships to fundraising for the communities. As of now, the club is planning to host fundraising events to support LaGuardia students experiencing food insecurity.

Licensed Practical Nursing Club

Whether you’re an aspiring or soon-to-be LPN, our club is here to support, inform, empower, and create a safe space for clinical and preclinical students through their academic journey. When our club meets, we hold discussions, events, and panels about a range of topics within nursing and community health. What is Practical Nursing? A licensed practical nurse (LPN) provides patient care under the supervision of an RN, nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, physician, dentist, or other health care providers. They provide bedside nursing care, emotional support and reinforce education to patients. They also provide medical procedures, such as administering medications, ambulation and dressing changes, as prescribed.

Nutrition and Culinary Management Club

Below a student shares their experience at one of the club events–the Hunger Banquet.

On October 26th, 2022, as a student and Club Officer of the Nutrition and Culinary Management Program at LaGuardia Community College, I helped host the 4th Annual Hunger Banquet on campus. It began with approximately 100 participants drawing a ticket to be seated. The high-income table enjoyed a three-course meal with wait staff. The middle-income ate rice and beans and drank fruit punch. The low-income (70% of participants) sat on the floor and served themselves rice and water with instructions that men ate first, followed by children. Women ate from whatever was leftover, if any. Participants were led through an engaging script about how food is grown, the politics of food availability etc. This was followed by a reflection and discussion on whether it was acceptable and what would it take to change the status quo. The event ended with students identifying ways to reduce hunger in their community. Results from the event feedback survey indicated that all respondents (n=68) increased their awareness of global food insecurity and would recommend the event to others.

Psychology Club

The Psychology Club brings together LaGuardia students from all majors to explore diverse, interesting aspects of psychology. Together, we delve into real-life issues, like suicide prevention, men’s mental health, and LGBTQIA+ concerns. We also talk about controversial topics and examine the history of the field of psychology through games, discussions, videos, and readings. Frequently, we have special guests, host workshops, and collaborate with other clubs and departments, aiming to showcase the wealth of opportunities LaGuardia provides for every student.

Psychology Club president, Angelina, shares her experience connecting with other students and professors. Additionally, she shares the collaboration and public speaking skills she has developed through her involvement as president.

Queer and Fierce Club

Queer and Fierce (otherwise known as Queer AF) is an LGBTQIA+ focused student club dedicated to discussing queer representation in history and media. Meetings tend to consist of a student-run presentation, followed by opportunities to socialize with other students. This club is open to all students. To find out more about meeting locations, times, and how to get more involved, please email the LGBTQIA Safe Zone Hub at safezone@lagcc.cuny.edu.

Founding Queer AF club president shares what it’s like finding a community at LaGuardia, and even creating a new club!

Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics  STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Club

LaGuardia STEM Club aims to accelerate education, improve student portfolio, and increase the interest, inclusivity, diversity, and awareness of the college students in the STEM field through various events and activities, such as science demonstrations, small hands-on projects, career readiness and leadership seminars, interdisciplinary seminars and symposia, STEM diversity panels, healthcare webinars, field trips, and coding or other academic skills building workshops. Students of all majors and programs are encouraged to join the club and participate at its events.

Women in Technology Club

LaGuardia Women in Technology club aims to enrich the students’ tech experience through organizing co-curricular and extracurricular activities, including programming projects, career workshops, and technical sessions by academia and industry professionals. We strive to address the gender gap issue in tech majors, and to create a healthier and more efficient ecosystem for STEM disciplines. Founded in Fall 2017, WiT club is open to students across different disciplines both inside and outside the college. We encourage tech-savvy female students to participate in peer mentorship, and to inspire other students in and outside the computing classes. The activities at our club include high school outreach and collaboration with 4-year colleges. These efforts would create connections with high schools and 4-year colleges for sustainable development of the gender equity culture in tech majors in the college community.

STudent Government Association (SGA)

Watch the video below to hear from Lucia, President of the Student Government Association (SGA). In this video, she explains why campus involvement and leadership skills are important. Looking for ways to get involved in Student Government? For more information, visit the SGA website.

Connection through Campus Centers and Programs

In addition to student clubs, there are several centers and programs that you can connect with.

Women’s Center

The Women’s Center is a collaborative resource for women’s rights and gender equity for students, faculty and staff. The Women’s Center is committed to leading with a social justice lens, offering support services, programs, events, and empowering opportunities for those who identify as women. Leading Support Circles for students to come together to express, connect and build community around different themes. Provides mentoring support for students interested in becoming campus leaders in the areas of women’s rights and advocacy. Interested in getting involved?

LGBTQIA Safe Zone Hub

The LGBTQIA Safe Zone Hub is a collaborative resource for celebrating the experiences, identities and expressions of LGBTQIA students, faculty and staff as well as increasing awareness about LGBTQIA issues, gender and sexuality at LaGuardia. We are committed to leading with a social justice lens, offering support services and developing programs, events and opportunities for those who identify as LGBTQ+ or questioning. Leads Support Circles for students to come together to express, connect and build community around different themes. Provides mentoring support for students who have questions navigating the college or who have interests in becoming campus leaders​ in the areas of LGBTQ+ rights and advocacy. Whether you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, questioning or an ally, you are welcome here.

Casa De Las Américas

Casa de Las Américas at LaGuardia Community College is the first center at a CUNY community college offering comprehensive academic and career services to Latinx students from all countries of the Americas. Casa de Las Américas represents an inclusive space for the Latinx, Latin American, and Caribbean community where we can bond over our heritage and our unique cultural backgrounds. La Casa helped us strengthen our bonds within the LaGCC community. It helped us as student ambassadors to reconnect with our roots and have a newfound respect for our origins. La Casa helps students develop skills that are essential in any professional environment, like time-management, communication, and teamwork. La Casa helps students realize their full potential in higher education. At its core, La Casa has served as a way for student ambassadors to develop leadership experience. La Casa represents more than a place on campus. It represents a home for students and the community to learn from our past and to shape our futures. Watch the video below to learn more:


Multicultural Exchange

Multicultural Exchange, within the Office of Campus Life at LaGuardia, consists of two peer mentoring programs:

  • Black Male Empowerment Cooperative (BMEC) is an initiative of the CUNY Black Male Initiative (BMI) that aims to support the educational success and inclusion of African and African-American students who are severely underrepresented in higher education. By joining this cooperative, students can get involved on campus and find their community. BMEC offers the opportunity to build meaningful relationships and access resources that will help them maximize their college experience. With BMEC, students can partake in programs that promote self-care, self-confidence, and self-advocacy and become advocates for social justice. BMEC is a great way for students to connect with peers and build a strong community.


Alumni Spotlight: Asma Shuaib

Here is the story of LaGuardia alumni Asma Shuaib, who went on to receive a bachelor’s degree from Hunter College. You can learn more about her personal and academic experiences in the video below. Asma offers insightful tips to help you succeed in your academic and professional journeys.

Alumni Spotlight: Started at LaGuardia, Now I Am Here

Watch the video below to learn more about ‘Started at LaGuardia, Now I Am Here,’ an exciting event designed for current LaGuardia Community College students embarking on their academic and professional paths. This event underscored the message that “you can start here and go anywhere” by providing an opportunity to connect with successful LaGuardia alumni. These alumni shared their journeys, illustrating how they began at LaGuardia and progressed through their careers, emphasizing the idea that LaGuardia is a platform for endless opportunities.

College clubs and co-curricular activities play an essential role in the college experience. Interests can be explored, relationships can be built, and skills can be developed. To get the most out of these opportunities, visit https://www.laguardia.edu/campuslife/  to learn more about what’s available and find a club or activity that’s right for you.


Test Your Knowledge


Next, you will explore the “Resources” section. This chapter provides an overview of the various resources available to you as a LaGuardia student. You will find information on scholarships, grants, money management, free study subscriptions, career opportunities, and advice on classes and majors.


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First Year Seminar Copyright © 2022 by Kristina Graham; Rena Grossman; Emma Handte; Christine Marks; Ian McDermott; Ellen Quish; Preethi Radhakrishnan; and Allyson Sheffield is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.