20 Introduction to Liberal Arts: Math and Science
Liberal Arts: Math and Science allows students to explore a variety of liberal arts disciplines, with a focus on mathematics and the natural sciences. Students in Liberal Arts: Math and Science learn to explore the world using rigorous scientific processes to form questions, gather data, analyze evidence, and draw conclusions, and to make connections between STEM disciplines and critical real-world issues.
Main Programs and tracks within discipline
Liberal Arts: Math and Science is a broad and highly customizable major whose students choose the majority of their courses in biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics, but also explore other liberal arts disciplines. Students may choose to pursue the Applied Mathematics option, which transfers naturally to the Applied Mathematics program at John Jay College. Specifically designed to meet the requirements of those who wish to continue their education beyond the Associate degree, the major in Liberal Arts: Math and Science prepares students to transfer to a Bachelor’s granting institution.
Further information can be found on the Liberal Arts: Math and Science and Applied Math department pages.
Approaches to inquiry and research
Supported by curricular and co-curricular opportunities for hands-on lab experience, Liberal Arts: Math and Science encourages students to learn rigorous methods for creative problem solving – to form hypotheses, design a study, analyze data, draw well-supported conclusions from evidence, and explain their findings. Students will also learn discipline-specific inquiry and research methods in other liberal arts courses. In the LIB200 capstone course, Liberal Arts students will integrate knowledge and methodologies from math and the natural sciences with those from other Liberal Arts disciplines to investigate issues of humanism, science, & technology.