
23 Introduction to Psychology

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LaGuardia’s Psychology Program seeks to engage students in a broad exploration of the diverse field of psychology, focusing on psychological research, theory, and practice through an integrated curriculum and meaningful co-curricular activities, readying them to transfer to psychology programs at four-year colleges. Students will be prepared to apply psychological knowledge to better understand themselves, their communities, and the world at large. Psychology is the study of mind and behavior and ranges in focus from the ways the brain functions to how sociocultural contexts shape our activities. Psychologists can work as therapists, teachers, researchers, administrators, and organizers, and an education in psychology is useful in any field that involves people and/or animals.

Psychology Departmental program.

Approaches to inquiry and research

Psychology is a science and therefore uses the scientific method to investigate psychological phenomena. Research in psychology is about observing behavior or otherwise seeking how people think and feel. Designs include experiments and descriptive studies, and methods include surveys, interviews, and observation. A wide variety of approaches are possible.

3 top careers from Bureau of Labor Statistics, with salary 

  1. Psychologist, $81,040 per year
  2. Social Worker, $50,390 per year
  3. Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselors, $48,520 per year


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First Year Seminar Copyright © 2022 by Kristina Graham; Rena Grossman; Emma Handte; Christine Marks; Ian McDermott; Ellen Quish; Preethi Radhakrishnan; and Allyson Sheffield is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.