Book Title: Finding and Using Openly Licensed Images: A Quick Guide for Students

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Book Description: The purpose of this guide is to give students clear and helpful information on finding and using images for their schoolwork and other creative projects.
Book Information
Book Description
The purpose of this guide is to give students clear and helpful information on finding and using images for their schoolwork and other creative projects. The first part of the guide goes over the basics of why some images are free to use and some are not. The second part shows where and how to find images to use. And the third part tells about some best practices for using images, including giving credit to creators. Cover image by Yeh Xintong via Unsplash.
Finding and Using Openly Licensed Images: A Quick Guide for Students Copyright © by Rachael Nevins is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Educational: Art and design