
7 Working with Faculty

Recognizing Advisory Board Members

To recognize the contributions of the board, we emailed them a formal thank you letter for their service, copying their provosts and chairs to acknowledge their leadership at CUNY. We also put their profiles on our website and included them in our annual reports to Mellon.

Selecting Faculty Fellows

The six Mellon TLH Faculty Fellow Cohorts from 2021-2023 were made up of 102 fellows from over 20 unique disciplines. These fellows included both full- and part-time faculty from nearly all of CUNY’s 25 two- and four-year campuses and represented a diverse spectrum of backgrounds. In the original grant, we had budgeted $1,500 awards for their fellowships. Due to limited spending during the COVID-19 pandemic, we were able to increase their fellowship awards to $1,800 each.

TLH Faculty Fellows by Career Stages:

TLH Faculty Fellows by Career Stages: Adjunct Assistant Professor 7.7%, Adjunct Associate Professor 2.9%, Adjunct Professor 2.9%, Adjunct Lecturer 12.5%, Assistant Professor 27.9%, Associate Professor 26.9%, Professor 6.7%, Full-time Lecturer 8.7%, Graduate Teaching Fellow 1.9%, Other 1.9%

TLH Faculty Fellows by Race/Ethnicity (Self-Identified):

TLH Faculty Fellows by Race/Ethnicity (Self-Identified): White 36.4%, Hispanic 6.4%, Black 12.7%, Afro-Caribbean 6.4%, European-American 9.1%, Filipino 3.6%, Asian American 5.5.%, Latino 6.4%, Chicano 2.7%, Korean-American 0.9%, South Asian-American 2.7%, Native American 0.9%, Jewish 1.8%, Chinese-American 0.9%, Middle Eastern 1.8%, Vietnamese-American 1.8%

TLH Faculty Fellows by Discipline

TLH Faculty Fellows by Discipline: African American Studies (1), Anthropology (7), Art (5), Asian-American Studies (1), Black and Latino Studies (5), Business (1), Communications (8), Comparative Literature (2), Economics (2), Education (6), Geography (1), History (5), Human Services & Hospitality (2), Interdisciplinary Studies (2), Journalism (2), Language & Linguistics (6), Law (1), Library Sciences (2), Literature (13), Math (2), Media Arts (3), Music (3), Performing Arts (3), Philosophy (2), Political Science (3), Psychology, (2) Social Sciences (3), Social Work(1), Sociology (2), Writing & Composition (10)


Every fellowship application was reviewed by at least two people: one TLH leadership team member and one TLH faculty advisory board member. When reviewing applications in the first year, we used a 1-5 Likert scale. In the second year, we used a 1-3 Likert scale, which we found had better results and reduced time spent reviewing applications. In both review periods, we asked ourselves these same questions:

  • Based on TLH’s three goals, how much will this faculty member be contributing to the seminar?
  • What is this applicant’s potential for growth?
  • How would you rate the applicant’s receptiveness to active learning methods?
  • How much evidence has the applicant given that they will be able to include their students in this project?
  • How much evidence is there that this applicant is committed to equity and social justice?
  • How much do you think this person shares TLH’s vision and will share it with others?
  • How well do you think this person would collaborate with colleagues?
  • Is there anything else you would like us to consider about this candidate?


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To the extent possible under law, Isabela Cordero has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to TLH in a Box, except where otherwise noted.