
1 Leadership Team

TLH leadership is made up of a diverse and inclusive team of educators, administrators, graduate students and talented individuals who contributed to make the grant a success.

Wendy F. Hensel 

 Executive Vice Chancellor and University Provost, Principal Investigator


University Dean for Faculty Affairs and Leadership Department, Administrative Director


Professor and Interim Chair Black and Latinx Studies, Baruch College, CUNY, Faculty Co-Director



Professor of Queer Studies, College of Staten Island, Faculty Co-Director


Assistant Professor, LaGuardia Community College, Spring 2022 Pedagogy Co-Leader



Assistant Professor, African American Studies, City Tech, Spring 2022 Pedagogy Co-Leader


Queens College, Elementary and Early Childhood Education, Fall 2022 Pedagogy Co-Leader



John Jay College of Criminal Justice, SEEK Department, Fall 2022 Pedagogy Co-Leader



Christina Katopodis

Ph.D. in English (GC-CUNY), Research Associate and Associate Director 



Jessica Murray

Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology (GC-CUNY), Director of Digital Communications



Queens College, Linguistics and Communication Disorders, Spring 2023 Pedagogy Co-Leader



Masters student in Library Science and History, Queens College, TLH Research Assistant and Librarian



BA and MA Student in Economics, Hunter College, Program Assistant 


BA, MFA in Creative Writing at City College of New York, TLH-In-A-Box Coordinator



BA, MFA Poetry Student at Brooklyn College, Student Summit Coordinator and Student Mentor



Master of Science in Risk Management at Queens College, Accountant, and Teaching Assistant



Distinguished Professor of English and Founder and Co-Director of the Futures Initiative at the Graduate Center, CUNY, Founding Faculty Co-Director of TLH


Graphic Designer, Specializing in Experiential Storytelling


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To the extent possible under law, Isabela Cordero has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to TLH in a Box, except where otherwise noted.