
11 Running a Meeting

Running a Meeting: Agenda Tips 

  • Current Agenda on Top
  • Each week’s agenda goes at the top and is dated; notes are kept in the agendas, so we can bring forward what we haven’t done, have a record of what we have done and when
  • All participants add their agenda notes prior to each meeting, not just the meeting leader. This helps to democratize the meeting by empowering everyone to contribute to setting the day’s agenda
  • Agenda Date Formatting: Day, Month, Date @ time am/pm (Example: Monday, April 17th @ 3:30-4:00 PM)
  • Include any important/upcoming events chronologically
  • Include any meeting specific reminders (for example, if the meeting is ending at a different time) and upcoming scheduling reminders
  • When sharing a short document, you can include the text in the agenda for easy access. For longer documents, share a link for others to see

Agenda Formatting Examples:

Further resources on running democratic meetings:


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To the extent possible under law, Isabela Cordero has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to TLH in a Box, except where otherwise noted.