16 Seminar Structure
Each of the six cohorts met over the course of a single semester for three 2-hour seminar meetings on Zoom (one meeting per month). In the Fall, these meetings took place at the end of September, end of October, and before the Thanksgiving holiday in November. In the spring, cohorts met around mid-February, mid-March, and mid-April.
Seminars were led by TLH Faculty Directors (Drs. Cathy N. Davidson and Shelly Eversley in 2021-2022; Drs. Shelly Eversley and Matt Brim in 2022-2023) in collaboration with TLH Pedagogy Co-Leaders, who had been through the program as faculty fellows and returned in a leadership role (Drs. Javiela Evangelista and Jason Hendrickson in Spring 2022, Drs. Virginia Diaz-Mendoza and Grace Pai in Fall 2022, and Dr. Khanh Le in Spring 2023).
How do you trust in the classroom?
TLH Spring 2023 Seminar – Cohort 6
In order to keep the seminars engaging while staying mindful of time, the team planned both a broad outline for the agenda for participants, and a run of show to decide roles and responsibilities for each team member. Click on the links below to read the agendas from the seminar meetings.