
17 Summer Institutes


The goals of both Summer Institutes were to: inspire faculty with engaging leadership activities; build a collaborative community; and practice some active learning techniques that we hope faculty will use to transform their classrooms. To achieve these goals, we used collaborative online tools, methods to solicit 100% participation, and a peer-to-peer learning model to aid fellows in imagining a communal pedagogical manifesto. The fellows got to know one another, built connections, brainstormed ideas for their seminars, and practiced listening to and sharing with one another in an equitable, inclusive environment.

Read a full summary of the 2021 TLH Summer Institute here: 

Read a full summary of the 2022 TLH Summer Institute here:


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To the extent possible under law, Isabela Cordero has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to TLH in a Box, except where otherwise noted.