When the TLH grant period began in 2020, we immediately adapted to the new modality that had shifted the present and future of teaching. We hired an agile team that built an engaged, impactful program using both remote and in-person tools and technologies. Below you will find resources that showcase our growing organization—what TLH looked like in its first, second, and third years of the grant—and how we went about selecting fellows and a student advisory board; carrying out the grant and working with faculty and students; hiring staff and running democratic meetings; grant reporting; and assessing our program.
Year 1: When We Started
Year 1: What we looked like when we started: Principal Investigator (Wendy F. Hensel), Director of Institutional Research (Zun Tang), Senior Research Analyst (Natalya Petroff), College Assistant (Gabriel Haro), Faculty Co-Directors (Shelly Eversley and Cathy N. Davidson), Administrative Director (Annemarie Nicols-Grinenko), Communication Director (Jessica Murray), Research Associate and Associate Director (Christina Katopodis), and Program Assistant (Khanh Le)
Year 2: Grant Implementation
Year 2: Organizational structure for grant implementation: Principal Investigator (Wendy F. Hensel), Director of Institutional Research (Zun Tang), Senior Research Analyst (Natalya Petroff), College Assistant (Gabriel Haro), Faculty Co-Directors (Shelly Eversley & Cathy N. Davidson), Pedagogy Co-Leaders (Jason Hendrickson & Javiela Evangelista), Administrative Director (Annemarie Nicols-Grinenko), Communication Director (Jessica Murray), Research Associate & Associate Director (Christina Katopodis), Program Assistant (Boya Wang), Research Assistant & Librarian (Grace Handy)
Year 3: Nearing the End of the Grant Period
Year 3: What we looked like nearing the end of the grant period: Principal Investigator (Wendy F. Hensel), Director of Institutional Research (Zun Tang), Senior Research Analyst (Natalya Petroff), College Assistant (Gabriel Haro), Faculty Co-Directors (Shelly Eversley & Matt Brim), Pedagogy Co-Leaders (Grace Pai, Khanh Le, Virginia Diaz-Mendoza), Administrative Director (Annemarie Nicols-Grinenko), Communication Director (Jessica Murray), Research Associate & Associate Director (Christina Katopodis), Program Assistant (Annie Prince Periapurath), Research Assistant & Librarian (Grace Handy), Student Summit Assistant (Yuma Carpenter-New), TLH in a Box Assistant (Isabela Cordero)
To the extent possible under law, Isabela Cordero has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to TLH in a Box, except where otherwise noted.