9 Another verb to be – Verb estar
VERB ESTAR (to be)
In Portuguese, the verb “estar” is an auxiliary verb that is used to describe temporary states, conditions, and feelings.
Unlike the verb “ser,” which is used to describe permanent or inherent characteristics, “estar” is used to describe something that is happening or changing at the moment.
Here are some common uses of “estar” in Portuguese:
- Physical location: To describe where someone or something is, you can use “estar” with the preposition “em” (in). For example: “Ele está em casa” (He is at home).
- Emotional state or temporary condition: To describe someone’s emotional state, you can use “estar” with adjectives. For example: “Ela está feliz?” (She is happy). “Nós não estamos cansados” (We are not tired).
- Progress or development: To describe something that is happening or changing, you can use “estar” with verbs such as “crescendo” (growing), “melhorando” (improving), or “piorando” (worsening). For example: “O clima está piorando” (The weather is getting worse).
- Health: To describe someone’s health, you can use “estar” with adjectives such as “bem” (well) or “mal” (not well). For example: “Eu estou bem” (I’m well).
- Weather: To describe the weather, you can use “estar” with adjectives such as “frio” (cold), “quente” (hot), or “chuvoso” (rainy). For example: “Hoje está quente” (It is hot today).
Key Takeaways
It’s important to keep in mind that “estar” is a flexible verb that can be used in many different contexts, and its meaning can vary depending on the context.
The present tense conjugation of the verb “estar” in Portuguese is as follows:
Eu estou – I am
Tu estás – You (informal) are
Você está – You (informal) are
Ele/Ela está – He/She is
Nós estamos – We are
Vocês estão – You (formal) are
Eles/Elas estão – They are
Here are some examples of the verb “estar” in the present tense:
Eu estou feliz. – I am happy at this moment.
Tu estás cansado. – You (informal) are tired.
A senhora está cansada? – Are you (formal) tired?
Ele está com fome? – Is he is hungry?
Nós não estamos cansados. – We are tired.
Vocês estão com pressa? – Are you (formal) in a hurry?
Eles não estão animados. – They are excited.
Key Takeaways
Note that the conjugation of “estar” changes according to the subject pronoun, just like any other verb in Portuguese.
Here are some examples of using the verb “estar” in the present tense to describe location and progress or development:
- Eu estou em casa. – I am at home.
- Tu estás na escola? – Are you (informal) are at school?
- Ele não está no parque. – He is not in the park.
- Nós estamos no shopping.– We are at the mall.
- Vocês estão no teatro? – Are you (formal) at the theater?
- Eles estão no bar. – They are at the bar.
- Eu estou falando português. – I am speaking Portuguese.
Exemplo: Música: Titãs “Tô Cansado”
Key Takeaways
Note that when describing location in Portuguese, the preposition “em” is often used with the verb “estar.” This construction (verb + preposition) is commonly used to express where someone or something is.
1. Complete these sentences with the correct conjugation of the verb ESTAR:
Eu ___________ na faculdade.
Nós ____________ tristes.
Você __________ cansado/a?
Ela não __________ bem.
Vocês ____________ falando inglês?
Ele ____________ chateado.
Eles _____________ em casa?
Elas ____________ trabalhando.