
Read Me: About This Book

This book template was created for the CUNY Open Publishing Collective, a community of practice that emphasizes accessibility, equity, and open pedagogy in open publishing. It is also available to anyone at CUNY or beyond who is seeking a framework for their OER project.

You can import this entire book or selections from it into a book you’ve already created in Pressbooks in order to get templates for commonly used front and back matter pages. Additionally, you can use this book as an outline for the structure of your book.

With one exception, the book is dedicated to the public domain so that you can use it without attribution. The exception is the template for an accessibility statement, which is licensed CC BY 4.0. The cover image is excerpted from “Come in, We’re Open – Paris” by Amélien Bayle via Flickr, licensed CC BY-NC 2.0.

How to use this book

A shaded box like this one appears at the top of each page of the book. In the shaded box, you will find instructions on how to adapt the page for your own book. If the page represents an element that you don’t want to include in your book, then delete that page.

[Text enclosed within square brackets may appear on some pages. Replace the text enclosed within the brackets with the content suggested.]


Icon for the Public Domain license

This work (Templates for the CUNY Open Publishing Collective by Rachael Nevins) is free of known copyright restrictions.