
Mentoring Resources

8.1 Sample Mentoring Program Forms

This section provides sample application and contract forms that can assist mentors with mentee selection and expectation setting prior to conducting any research.

Application for the Mentee

Faculty mentors may use an application to identify and select prospective mentees. An example of an application for an undergraduate research assistant position follows. Although this example pertains to the Psychology and Human Services areas, the application can be easily modified for other disciplines.

Undergraduate Research Assistant Position: Sample Application

Sample Application (PDF, Microsoft Word)


Major:                                                     Class year:                                                   

Phone number:                                        E-mail:                                                       


Please list Psychology and Human Services courses you have taken and the respective letter grades

earned in those courses.


Please describe your experience working with children and research participants. Attach a separate sheet if necessary, but please do not go beyond one page.


Please provide any other relevant experiences or skills that you think may be helpful in your work in this project.


What is your objective in working on a research project and how does it relate to your personal, academic, or professional goal(s)? Is there anything you hope to accomplish by working in this lab? Attach a separate sheet if necessary, but please do not go beyond one page.


What interests you about working on this particular research?


Please list below the times you are available to work on this research.




Please provide two references below who can speak about your reliability, judgment, and sense of responsibility.






Undergraduate Research Mentoring Contract

Before the research mentoring begins, a formal contract between the mentor and mentee should be in place. This ensures that the commitment from both parties is explicitly stated and understood at the very beginning of the research project. The following are two sample mentoring contracts. The first contract is generic in nature, while the second one is more discipline specific.

Undergraduate Research Mentoring Contract: Sample #1

Sample Contract #1 (PDF, Microsoft Word)

This agreement is between the Mentor,                                                 , and the Mentee,                                            , and will last for the approximate time period of                                                     and then informally thereafter.


Both Mentor and Mentee agree to meet                                                    per                                                     and maintain communication between meetings via communication methods deemed appropriate by both parties.


The Mentor agrees to:

  • Maintain communication and be available to provide assistance and support as needed;
  • Assist the Mentee in identifying goals and projects that would be beneficial to him/her;
  • Advise the Mentee as to services at the institution that would benefit him/her;
  • Be honest with the Mentee and give praise as well as constructive criticism; and
  • Send articles and reading materials that would benefit the Mentee.

The Mentee agrees to:

  • Maintain communication;
  • Ask for assistance as the need arises;
  • Complete tasks by the established deadlines; and
  • Read all articles and materials sent by the Mentor.

Discussions between the Mentor and the Mentee will be discreet unless otherwise discussed and agreed to by both parties. Both the Mentor and the Mentee agree to follow the guidelines of this agreement for the period specified and to make a good faith effort to resolve any issues that may arise.


Mentor Signature and Date                                      Mentee Signature and Date


Undergraduate Research Mentoring Contract: Sample #2

Sample Contract #2 (PDF, Microsoft Word)

Student Research Contract


Name:                                                                    Date:                                                                

Indicate day(s) and time(s) available:                                                                                                   


  1. To learn more about children’s social and emotional development and parental socialization;
  2. To learn more about quantitative and qualitative research designs;
  3. To learn how to turn raw data into a form that can be analyzed and discussed as evidence for or against specific hypotheses; and
  4. To learn how to generate ideas about using what was learned from a study to plan future research.

Readings: Assigned as necessary. Some weeks, you may be asked to bring in a journal article you have found for the whole group to discuss. When you bring in an article, you will be asked to write a one-page summary of the article. When someone else brings in an article, you will be asked to write 1/2 page of comments and questions about the article. These will be due at the group meeting. Keep copies of your work to assist me when you need a letter of recommendation.

Hours: You will work about 6 to 9 hours weekly for about 15 weeks. This does not include our hour-long weekly meeting.

Commitments to:

  1. Thorough preparation for running participants, including appropriate demeanor, appearance, and mastery of study procedure and ethical issues;
  2. Running participants who are scheduled during your available hours;
  3. Completing all assigned data entry;
  4. Transcribing all assigned audiotapes and videotapes;
  5. Coding all assigned transcripts and videotapes;
  6. Strictly maintaining confidentiality and the security of all lab materials, including computer files;
  7. Reading and thinking about any assigned articles;
  8. Writing responses to assigned articles;
  9. Attending, thinking, participating, and responding thoughtfully to others in meetings; and
  10. Working in a timely fashion.

I will provide a written assessment of your work at the end of the semester. In addition, I am happy to meet with you individually at any time in the semester to discuss your progress and your thoughts about the research project.

All parties recognize their own responsibility in maintaining the quality of this academic experience and fulfilling this contract.


Mentor Signature and Date                                      Mentee Signature and Date


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A Handbook on Mentoring Students in Undergraduate Research, 2nd Edition Copyright © by Undergraduate Research Committee, New York City College of Technology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.