
3.4 – Brand #1

Food for thought:

Copywriting can help every type of brand, product and service – even those that seem “unmentionable”


Time to apply what you’ve learned so far

So far, we’ve talked theoretically about what copywriting can do, how it does it, and how to start learning how to do it. Now it’s time to start applying the power of copywriting to a real-world brand.

So here’s the big reveal. The first brand you’ll be working on is Poo-Pourri, the before you go toilet spray that traps the stench of stinky poos.

In case you’re wondering, Poo-Pourri is an actual product that meets a very real and human need. The brand has more than 60,000 positive online reviews and has been so successful that the company recently expanded its product line to take on poo smells, pet smells, shoe smells – basically all icky odors we’d rather not smell. It went from Poo-Pourri to Pourri.

Why did I choose such an unmentionable brand for beginning copywriting students to work on?

Reason #1: The brand likes to poke fun at itself and at the stinky situations we all find ourselves in from time to time. That means it could be fun to work on. Just watch one of its earliest commercials.


Reason #2: The Covid-19 pandemic shrank our world, trapping us together in our homes. During lockdown the bathroom in particular became a battleground. But it also provided an opportunity. Suddenly we had permission to talk about things that used to be taboo. And once the genie is out of the spray bottle, there’s no putting it back.

The most successful advertising reflects popular culture and trends. So it’s no wonder brands like Poo-Pourri have found themselves in the post-pandemic spotlight. Here’s another Poo-Pourri commercial that dispels the myth that girls don’t poo (or stink).

Based on these ads, you’d think Poo-Pourri is for women. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Everyone poos. And everyone’s poo smells to high heaven. Therefore, Poo-Pourri is for everyone. Young, old, male, female, LGBTQi, gender fluid, non-gender conforming. Which why Poo-Pourri’s most recent campaign has taken a different approach – targeting anyone who wants to “be funk free”.




So now you know which brand you’ll be working on first. There’s lots to learn about Poo-Pourri. Ready to do some research –  that’s your homework: to find out the truth about Poo-Pourri. This isn’t a Marketing Research class. So you won’t be doing extensive secondary and primary research. But you should find out for yourself things like: who is it for; why do they use/trust it; what’s unique about it; what’s in it for the people who use it; what’s the end benefit? Use any/all of the basic research methods below.


Research methods
  • Google it
  • Visit the company website – and competitor sites
  • Read reviews
  • Check out social media – especially YouTube
  • Learn about the category (bathroom products)
  • Try it – learn how it works first hand

Key Takeaways

Copywriting can help every kind of brand – from athletic wear, to cars, to Poo-Pourri, can increase its brand trust, brand awareness, and consumer engagement.




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