
74 Chapter 8. Summary

Language is a communication system that has both a lexicon and a system of grammar. Language acquisition occurs naturally and effortlessly during the early stages of life, and this acquisition occurs in a predictable sequence for individuals around the world. Language has a strong influence on identity and thought, and the concept of how language may influence cognition remains an area of study and debate in psychology.

Intelligence is a controversial topic in Psychology. The field of eugenics spread misinformation about intelligence and race/ethnicity and gender, which contributed to the long-lasting oppression of BIPOC people. Definitions of intelligence vary across cultures. In the West, intelligence is conceptualized as a complex characteristic of cognition. Various theories have been developed to explain what intelligence is and how it works. Sternberg generated his Triarchic theory of intelligence, whereas Gardner posits that intelligence is comprised of many factors. Still others focus on the importance of emotional intelligence.


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Introduction to Psychology (A critical approach) Copyright © 2021 by Rose M. Spielman; Kathryn Dumper; William Jenkins; Arlene Lacombe; Marilyn Lovett; and Marion Perlmutter is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.