
Using Pressbooks with Blackboard

18 Configuring and Adding Graded Activities

The CUNY instance of Pressbooks enables you to create graded activities that report directly to your gradebook in Blackboard. In this chapter, you will learn how to configure chapters as graded activities and add them to Blackboard.

Configuring Chapters as Graded Activities

Chapters can be configured as graded activities only if they include at least one graded H5P activity. The steps are as follows.

  1. Add one or more H5P activities to the chapter.
  2. Select which H5P activities should be included in the grade report.
  3. Configure the settings for each graded activity, including setting its maximum score, setting beginning and ending dates for grade collection (which is optional), and selecting a grading scheme.

These steps are demonstrated in this video from Pressbooks.

“Configuring a Chapter as a Graded Activity” by Pressbooks [YouTube] is licensed CC BY 4.0.

"" For more information on configuring chapters as graded activities, see the chapter Configure Chapters as Graded Activities in the Pressbooks Network Manager’s Guide.

Adding Graded Activities to Blackboard

After configuring chapters as graded activities in Pressbooks, you can add them to Blackboard in two different ways. You can use a file called Common Cartridge with LTI Links to import the entire book into Blackboard; this process is similar to the one described in the previous chapter of this guide. Or, you can use the LTI 1.3 Launch Link to import individual graded chapters.

Using Common Cartridge with LTI Links

The steps for obtaining the Common Cartridge with LTI Links are similar to those for obtaining the Common Cartridge with Web Links described in the previous chapter.

  1. Click Export in the admin dashboard of your book.
  2. Select Common Cartridge with LTI Links (Blackboard, D2L, Sakai) from the Export Options panel.
  3. Click the Export Your Book button and wait for the file to appear in the list of Latest Exports.
  4. To download the file for your own use, hover over the IMSCC file in the Latest Exports list and click Download.

Next, enter your course on Blackboard.

  1. Under Course Management in the left vertical menu, select Packages and Utilities and then Import Package / View Logs.
  2. Click the Import Package button.
  3. Upload your file under Select a Package. Under Select Course Materials, choose which parts of the book to import. Selecting all is the most comprehensive way to bring in all necessary parts of your book. Finally, click Submit.
  4. You will return to the Import Package / View Logs page. Once you see the success message at the top, your course has been uploaded in full. You will now also be able to see the course in the Import/Copy Log Name list.
  5. To complete the configuration, select the imported file, which should appear as the last selection in the course menu on the left.
  6. The next interface lists the parts of your book. Click on each part to see the chapters within it. Click the arrow next to the title of a chapter that has been configured for grading, and select Edit from the drop-down menu.
  7. From here, make sure to set points and dates as necessary for your grading scheme. Once you’re happy, click Submit, and the chapter should be ready to use.

These steps are demonstrated in this video from Pressbooks.

“Importing a Common Cartridge with LTI Links file to Blackboard” by Pressbooks [YouTube] is licensed CC BY 4.0.

Using the LTI 1.3 Launch Link

To import an individual graded chapter, first you need to copy the launch URL from the LMS Grade reporting box for that chapter. See the highlighted URL in the image below.

LMS Grade reporting box with the launch URL highlighted

Next, enter your course on Blackboard.

  1. Select Content in the left vertical menu.
  2. In the Build Content panel, select Web Link.
  3. In the Web Link Information panel, complete all fields marked with an asterisk. Add a name for the chapter, add the launch URL, and select Yes under This link is to a Tool Provider, and enter the points possible. If you select No under Open in New Window, your graded chapter will open within the same browser. After choosing other settings that suit you, click Submit.
  4. You should now see the added chapter in the content for your course.
"" For more information on adding graded activities to Blackboard, see the chapter Add Graded Activities to the LMS in the Pressbooks Network Manager’s Guide.


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CUNY Pressbooks Guide Copyright © 2022 by Andrew McKinney; Rachael Nevins; and Elizabeth Arestyl is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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