Week 2 Reflection: Culture and Society / Family Names and Cultural Identity
Additional reading
1] Alapo, Ch. 7. Culture and Leadership in the 21st Century: National and Family Culture.
2] **Savomar et al. (2016) Ch. 3 The Deep Structure of Culture: Lessons from the Family.
3] OpenStax, Ch. 3 on Culture and Society.
Watch and respond to video: Link to the video: https://storycorps.org/animation/facundo-the-great/
Feel free to research additional content and include it in your summary.
Reflection 2
1] Share a thought about your first/ last names/married names.
2] Were you named after anyone?
3] Do you know the ethnic, cultural or religious roots of your name?
4] Do you know the meaning of your name? Is your name ever misspelled/mispronounced/misgendered?
5] How does that make you feel? You can share whether you (dis)like your name and possible reasons why [adapted from Anti -Racist Pedagogy workshop at BMCC].
Artifact Presentation: if you are not able to make a video of your item, no worries, thanks to the suggestions of those that came to office hours today. We can meet up in person on Monday 9/9 and then on Wednesday 9/11, we will meet up via zoom to do the artifact presentations. If you do not have a physical item to show and tell about, you can have the image and use the prompts below as a summary for the short presentation. It should be at least 2 minutes and not more. We want to try to get everyone’s presentation completed on Wednesday 9/11 and move on to week 4.
Each person will post a 3 minutes video or a few slides of PPT presentation on BS about an item of significant cultural value to them / their family / culture / heritage. If you already made the vide or slides, you can share your screen on Wednesday if not, you can just talk about your item and show it on the screen in your 2 – 3 minutes cultural identity artifact presentation.
1] Intro of who you are, where you are from, your background, family culture, religion, language, travels etc : 1 – 2 minute
2] Short summary of your artifact, what is is about and use the discussion question as a guide: 2 – 3 minutes
Make a video of 3-5 minutes about your artifact: about a cultural artifact with meaning to your family’s culture or to your culture as a whole. Explain your cultural heritage and the relationship with the artifact:
1] Tell the class why it is an artifact (cultural heirloom, religious, something your grandma brought when coming to America, something of family value, a religious, cultural symbol).
2] What cultural, religious or family ties do you have to this item?
3] How has the item helped you in identifying or maintaining your cultural values / identity?
Q: What if your family does not have an artifact?
R: You can find something from your culture or a place you have visited of unique or significant value that tells of or shapes a person, family, community’s cultural identity….read the assignment carefully….and the week reading etc ;]
Reflection 1 – due by Sunday
After the zoom presentation, you will review your other colleagues posts on the week 3 discussion thread of BS and then share a reflection post summary on what you learned from your artifact presentation or from the presentation of your colleagues. What did you discover in relation to culture, heritage, identity and belonging?