
Week 5: Impressions of Immigration


Ch.5: Language, Immigration, and Geography

Additional Resources:

1] Immigration and Language Diversity in the United States – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4092008/

2] Population, Migration, & Spatial Demography. https://viva.pressbooks.pub/humangeog/chapter/population-migration-spatial-demography/

3] Human Migration – https://www.britannica.com/print/article/275738

4] Geography of Language –https://viva.pressbooks.pub/humangeog/chapter/geography-of-language/



Discussion Prompt: Impressions of Immigration

Using a photo compilation application (like Pic Stitch or Pic Jointer, which are free apps to download), create a photo collage of a minimum of three pictures that represent things that shape your views of immigration.  These can be images that come to mind when you think of immigration or images that represent things that have helped form the way you consider immigration today. Upload your photo into a comment here, and then provide a three to four sentence description of the images you chose and why.



Reflection 1: Impressions of Immigration / Migration 

Each person will discuss their collage in class  about their immigration or travel journey. This can be about you, your family, friends or colleagues or you can create a general collage of the topic [you will expand on this topic for your midterm project due in week 8].

Using a photo compilation application (like Pic Stitch or Pic Jointer, which are free apps to download), create a photo collage of a minimum of three pictures that represent things that shape your views of immigration.  These can be images that come to mind when you think of immigration or images that represent things that have helped form the way you consider immigration today. Upload your photo into a comment here, and then provide a three to four sentence description of the images you chose and why.


Reflection 2: Travel Journey / Culture Shock Experiences / Cultural Variation

Video 1


Video 2

1] What are some of your culture shock experiences in cultural variation as part of a dominant culture or subculture?  

 2] Describe your experiences of other cultures and your observations about their values, norms and beliefs. What did you appreciate the most and least liked? 

 3] Describe culture dos and don’ts from your own culture or heritage. 

4] What are some norms, values and beliefs that you grew up with and still in existence or practiced as part of your day-to-day cultural values today? 


Video 3:  Ethnic Enclaves and Immigrant areas in the US – 1


Video 4: Ethnic Enclaves and Immigrant areas in the US – 2