
Brightspace Accessibility

14 About Brightspace Accessibility

What is Brightspace Accessibility?

So far, this toolkit has covered the general principles of digital accessibility. Brightspace accessibility is the specific set of tools in Brightspace (D2L’s Learning Management System) that allow you to put those principles in action in any Brightspace course site.

Who are you doing this for?

Who benefits?

Using accessibility tools that software designers, like those at Brightspace, have built in to their platforms, is essential for students who use assistive devices such as screen readers to engage in your course content.

In addition, the practice benefits all students, including those who:

  • Use an array of devices, such as tablets and phones, to access course materials
  • Study in noisy environments
  • Have ADHD or other cognitive challenges
  • Navigate course sites with a keyboard instead of a trackpad or mouse
  • Want to review course material or find terms
  • Benefit from clarity and consistency

Further, the practice also benefits any instructors (including you) who will use copies of or content migrated from your course.



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CUNY SPS Accessibility Toolkit Copyright © 2023 by CUNY School of Professional Studies is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.