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Book Contents Navigation
1. Group Media Project
2. Moot Court
3. Summative Assessment
Andrew Majeske
4. Short essay and questions assignment
Sergio A. Gallegos
5. Summative Assessment: Moot Court Stop, Question, Frisk & The Law
Nora M. Cronin JD
6. Podcast Assignment: 50th anniversary of Hip-Hop culture
Crystal Endsley Taylor
7. Public Statue Controversies: Modeling a Video Recording
8. A Dramatization of the In re Rodriguez Case 1897
Liza Yukins
9. On the Inherent Ambiguity of Freedom of Speech in a Democratic Republic
Jonathan Berk
10. Project Planning
11. Mark the Correct Keywords
12. Speak the Answer
13. Mini Mock Trial
14. Moot Court Lesson 10 Mini-moot Courts
15. Mini-Moot Courts Video (Bundle)
16. Mini-Moot Courts A Strategy (Bundle)
17. Classroom Guide to Moot Courts (2021 Edition)
18. Case Summary: Dred Scott v. Sandford
19. Case Summary: Plessy v. Ferguson
20. Case Summary Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
21. Case Summary: Korematsu v. United States
22. Classifying Arguments Activity: Dred Scott v. Sandford
23. Classifying Arguments Activity: Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
24. Classifying Arguments Activity: Plessy v. Ferguson
25. Classifying Arguments Activity: Schenck v. United States
26. Anatomy of a Case Activity: Schenck v. United States
27. Close and Critical Reading
Mariya Gluzman and Wynne Ferdinand
28. Critical Thinking & Analysis
Mariya Gluzman
29. Collaborative activities
30. Supreme Court Case Analysis
31. OER Learning In Disguise Toolkit Introduction
Alessandra Early and Nicole McKenna
32. Citizenship, Rights, and Expression
33. Citizenship, Rights and Expression
Alexandra Golla
34. Terry v. Ohio, Stop, Question, Frisk & The Law In Cultural and Historical Perspectives
Patricia Johnson Coxx
35. Stop, Question, Frisk & The Law: Terry v. Ohio In Cultural and Historical Perspectives
36. You Can´t Say That (in the USA)? Hate Speech and International Human Rights
Victoria Perez-Rios
37. The Black Experience from Plessy v. Ferguson to Brown v. Board of Education
Ashley A. Baxter
38. The Black Experience from Plessy v. Ferguson to Brown v. Board of Education
HUM 300 Faculty
39. SQF & The Law: Terry v. Ohio in Cultural and Historical Perspectives
Guido D. Giordano
40. Whiteness At The Margins: Hernández v. Texas and Latino Racial Politics in the United States
41. Loving v. Virginia: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of the Criminalization of Love and Marriage
42. Native Americans, Property & the Environment
43. You Can’t Say That! Exploring Freedom of Speech in Art and the Law
Toy-Fung Tung
45. OER Selection and Annotations: Faculty Assignment and Feedback
46. Evaluating OER Checklist
47. CUNY Accessibility Toolkit for OER
48. EdTech Info & Demos #2
49. EdTech Info & Demos #1
50. EdTech Info & Demos #3
51. Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
52. Centering the Learner
53. Learning Strategies Cheat Sheet
54. Visual Learning
55. Social Learning
56. Cornell Method Note Taking
57. Project Planning
58. Mark the Correct Keywords
59. Speak the Answer
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Social Justice Landmark Cases: Faculty Instructional Resources Copyright © by John Jay College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.