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Author: Andrea Boffa
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Overview and Objectives
Course Requirements and Grading
Secondary Source Review
Primary Source Study
Collaborative Study Guide
Reading: The Study of History
Julianna Wilson
Reading: The Origins of Civilization
Christopher Brooks
Primary Source: The Epic of Gilgamesh: The Story of the Flood,
Module Assignments
Reading: Ancient Egypt
Reading: The Hebrews
Primary source: Book of the Dead
Reading: The Archaic Age of Greece
Reading: The Persian Wars
Primary Source: Hesiod, Works and Days
Reading: The Classical Age of Greece
Primary Source: Pericles' Funeral Oration
Reading: The Hellenistic Age
Reading: The Roman Republic
Primary Source: The Rape of Lucretia
Reading: The End of the Republic and The Roman Empire
Primary Source: Tacitus on Nero
Reading: The Late Empire and Christianity
Primary Source: The Passions of Saints Perpetua and Felicity
Reading: Justinian I and the rise of Byzantium
Reading: Islam and The Caliphates
Primary Source: Epistle to the secretaries
Primary Source: Procopius on Justinian and Theodora
Reading: Early Medieval Europe
Primary Source: Egil slays Ljot the Pale
Reading: The High Middle Ages
Primary Source: Gesta Francorum
Primary Source: Usmah Ibn Munqidh, Autobiography
Reading: The Crises of the Middle Ages
Primary Source: Boccaccio, The Decameron
Reading: The Renaissance
Reading: Renaissance Era States
Reading: The Early Reformation and Martin Luther
Primary Source: The Book of the City of Ladies
Reading: European Exploration and Conquest
Primary Source: Christopher Columbus, Journal Excerpts
Birth of Europe Copyright © by Andrea Boffa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.